Thursday, May 12, 2005

I Cannot Take It Anymore!!

If any of you have listened to talk radio today there was no mention of it. If you read strictly conservative, right-wing websites there was no mention of it there either. If by chance you happened to go to (for what I have no idea) you really had to search hard for the story. I am speaking of reports of a secret memo leaked by MI-6 in the UK about fraudalent claims being created for the reason to go to war in Iraq. I know can you believe it? I have been scouring the liberal blogs all night and have found some mention of it. Supposedly this memo was leaked on 1 May, 2005, just before the elections in the UK by the Times of London . I am purposely giving no links to the article. Why? Well, the story is complete hogwash. How do I know? Link here.

So, why should you care? If you do some research about the website I linked to, you would find that they are no friends of the UK government, let alone our Republican president. And there story does check out about there computers being seized. I googled that as well. This goes along with other purported memos that were supposedly leaked earlier in the Iraq war. If you can believe it, there are those on the extreme left who are already starting websites to support President Bush's impeachment over this. As well as a congressional democrat inquiry. I kid you not. Some out there have no shame.


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