Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hey George Will...You're Wrong Again!

George Will is not what we would call a favorite here at MC. This will approximately be the third time in which this author has taken umbrage with an article ol' George has written. His specific point in his article today {click here} is that conservatives and Republicans et al should look closer at and further embrace the current leading GOP candidates for the '08 presidential nomination. Basically he is saying this is what we are presented with and this is who we should support, end of story. He drives his point home in his final paragraph by writing that Guiliani's, Romney's, and McCain's brands of conservativism, "should be satisfactory to most conservatives". My question is why should we have to settle? And why should a candidate just be satisfactory? By my calculations it is at least 600 days until the election. And I, being on the periphary of political discourse, can easily come up with three better, more conservative candidates that are personally and exceedingly more suitable than the three aforementioned gentlemen. George mentions first in his article the darling of the independents, Arizona Senator John McCain. He points out that McCain opposed Bush's first tax cuts and the liberal media described it as pandering. Pandering or not he was wrong. McCain OPPOSED the tax cuts! If he opposes tax cuts i.e. he is not conservative. Tax cuts are almost always necessary. Has the Senator seen federal tax revenues lately? And let us not even mention McCain/Feingold, which stands for itself as a complete afront to the first amendment. The other two candidates are at least a bit more pleasing to the conservative palette than Sen. McCain. Romney for his political prowess and speech-giving abilities, and Guiliani for his tough demeanor and strong stand on terrorism. But are either the best candidates for our party? At the present it is still early, and somehow drafting a new more conservative, Reaganesque candidate is not outside the realm of possibility. Anyone heard of Fred Thompson?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time you are back up and running this blog once again.
Agree with you 100% the three front runners at the present time are not to my satisfaction either. Fred Thompson is the right call.

Happy to see ya back.
Too many Bush bashing blogs out there, you are someone who needs to be heard.


Thu Mar 08, 11:27:00 PM EST  

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