Thursday, June 26, 2008

Too Close for Comfort by Dr. T

My fellow citizens, though many are celebrating tonight, the Supreme Court vote on the 2nd ammendment today was "too close for comfort". True...we won, but with a 5 to 4 vote, it's hardly a reason to break out the bubbly. Antonin Scalia's "majority opinion" was succinct and brillant. The job of these nine in black robes is to uphold the Constitution, not trample it, bend it, shred it, and disect it until it is unrecognizable. Unfortunately, there are 4 judges who want to legislate by judicial fiat and if the Constitution stands in their way they will attempt to circumvent it.

Many Americans do not understand the weight and breadth of the Constitution. The framers were brilliant in the reasoning they put forth when forming this document. Because they understood human nature and because they experienced what tyranny is, they established amendments meant to protect the citizenry from the oppressive hand of government. Jefferson, Madison, Washington et al knew that the right of self defense and defense of one's home was necesary and that the right to bear arms is fundamental. "It keeps the government in check". Today 4 judges attempted to overthrow that win by the narrowest of wit, by one vote, is far too scary for me.

Remember, if Obama wins, the shift in the court will be devastating.


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