Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I am not jumping onboard...

I am right with Andrew C. McCarthy, when he writes in yesterday's National Review that he is not going to gang-up on Newsweek for their discredited and retracted column accusing the U.S. of more anti-Islamic wrong-doing. Why should anyone be surprised? What should be surprising is the response to the article on the so-called "Arab street". Even though the most widely reported protests occured in Aghanistan and Pakistan. While they are Islamic countries, they are not Arabic. Regardless, what is the point? CBS reports on forged documents, every news source in the world leads and keeps afloat "shocking" stories of abuse at Abu Ghraib, the Times of London uses anonymous sources to print stories about phoney false memos, all of these and now Newsweek. Newsweek is just late to the party, where the only requirement is to report about our President and the military as bad and disingenuous. So in the crux of the story there is nothing new. What is also not new is the lack of comparable outrage by our our media, their media, or the world's media about the rediculously, incongruous response by the Islamic populace. A book is supposedly desicrated and seventeen people die in protest. Iraqi prisoners are made to where panties on their heads and scared by dogs, then Nick Berg is beheaded and bombs explode throughout Baghdad. Does this make sense to anyone? Are these reasonable responses that are understood as morally equivalent? Methinks thou doth protest too much.

The only way to explain the issue is to compare their feelings to those of ourselves. Do we not have respect for our holy books, the Bible, the Torah? Just for example what do you place your hand on when you swear in court, or political appointees when they are sworn in? The difference is we understand and respect the ideas presented in the books themselves without treating the physical book as some sort of relic. What would happen if in a town square somewhere in America a crowd of people gathered together to protest terrorism and began burning the Koran? If you were one of those people and your actions were caught on tape, you would have to prepare to be lambasted in every rag of a paper that presents itself as fair and uncompromising. But search the internet for the last time a journalist was outraged when video captured sane, peaceful Islamic folk burning Old Glory. If extremist Muslims really beheld the power of their religion would they not think it was strong enough to withstand toilet water? I guess they are still trying to convince themselves when they yell "Allah Ahkbar", while they are killing innocents in the name of there so-called religion of peace.


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