Friday, June 03, 2005

Real Quick: Hypocrisy of the Left!?

Howard Dean gave a rip-roarin' speech to a bunch of left-wing, supporters at the "Take Back America" conference in Washington yesterday. Along with saying that Republicans "have never made an honest living in their lives", he spoke about pension plans. I believe Howard Dean may be actually losing his mind. He said pension plans "ought not to be controlled by companies, they ought to be controlled by the people who those pensions belong to". Now I know I am not crazy when I ask, isn't that what the Republican president of this nation wants to do with social security, ie. give control to the people who pay into it? Dean seems to think that it is bad when "big" corporate America controls retirement accounts, but good to have "big" government control retirement accounts. My advice to Howie:
1) Get a grip, you're a doctor for gosh sakes. Act like one, not like you need one.
2) Have someone proofread your speeches.
or 3) Keep on keepin' on, the more you speak the weirder your party seems.


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