Monday, November 17, 2008

GM, Ford, Chrysler...

Does anyone else see the odd disparity of political viewpoints when the left touts a financial bailout of Detroit's big three, while at the same time demonizing the use of carbon-based, fuel guzzling automobiles? Sweethearts of the left along with their leaders constantly complain about our pollution spewing vehicles while they all but give free advertising for foreign made hybrid vehicles, i.e. Honda Prius. Now they wax poetic about the all but dead industry that produces mid 20th century technology that can no longer compete. Does anyone remember how bad the big 3 were doing when our economy was prospering? Now that we are in a full fledged recession that, more than likely, will last until fiscal year 2010, how much better do you think their business model will do?

This author is not anti-Detroit, in fact, with the exception of one vehicle, all vehicles owned by said author have been American. And for a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel one only need to read the article in the July issue of the Atlantic, about the positive outlook for the Chevy Volt (due some time in 2010). Bankruptcy seems the most reasonable path for the American auto industry, plenty of companies have survived the process in the past. Huge companies can prosper after filing for chapter 11 protection, e.g. USAIR, Kmart, WaMu, Trump(multiple times).
Two questions to ponder: What happened to American ingenuity? And why are so many politicians on both sides afraid to mention the 2000 lb. gorilla in the room...UAW?


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