Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Debate was a Yawner by Dr. T

Last night's presidential debate was disappointing to say the least. It was so boring they could have phoned it in. Same old talking points on both sides, same old jabs about who did this and who didn't do that with the usual confusing statistics thrown in for good measure. What is particularly disturbing about the demeanor on the part of both candidates is the very obvious absence of any true anger or emotion over the mess that Wall Street,in concert with the Congress, has put the American people in. They both talked about billions and trillions of dollars as though this is just play money. Perhaps to both of them it is. After all, it's very easy to lose money that isn't your own and just as easy to spend it, vis-a-vis the so called bailout.

John McCain, who I endorse, missed a prime opportunity to query Barack Obama about the love fest between his party(himself, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to mention a few) and the high-ups at Fannie May and Freddie Mac. They consorted in the name of "fairness" and as a result of reckless decisions and zero oversight, American citizens are in the tank to the tune of 2 trillion dollars. All the while the aforementioned representatives were lining their pockets with contributions from these entities. In addition,the bailout money hasn't even cleared and folks at AIG went on a $400,000.00 junket. What the heck is going on? We need accountability and investigations. Instead we still have empty heads in Congress calling for impeachment hearings for President Bush when they know that there have been no violations.

The people had better wake up to the fact that the government is completely out of control. We've got a government that has become a stinkhole of greed and corruption. A government that has our country tinkering on the verge of economic collapse. We need to make the right decision on November 4th...America is hanging in the balance. John McCain should have made a stronger case, he is on the right side of economics at this critical time. He understands that raising taxes right now would put another nail in the coffin. Obama claims that he won't raise taxes on those making less than $250,000.00 but this is inconsistent with his voting record of raising taxes 94 times on incomes as low as $42,000.00. He wants universal healthcare and a trillion dollars in new spending. Beware of a "charmer" bearing gifts, this is socialism disguised as fairness for all. Every entity that government has taken over has become a boondoggle; Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, all on the verge of collapse through mismanagement. Don't be taken in again, we need to be free to make our own decisions about our health care, about school choice, about our investments. A vote for Obama is a vote against our liberty.


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