Thursday, March 22, 2012


I am a lover of the old "AMERICA" not the new "AMERIKA". We were different from the rest, we knew that rugged individualism and hard work would elevate all who embraced an honest work ethic. This worked for over 200 years with government overseeing but not becoming too intrusive. But like all good things, they never last unless folks are diligent and protective of their liberty. Slowly and quietly behind the scenes great mischief was at work. It started decades ago as progessive began to co-opt our schools and federal spending programs began to expand. Over time politicans began to realize that votes are bought with hand-outs and pretty soon our deficit began mounting. Most hard working folks didn't notice,they were too busy raising their families and meeting their responsibilities. I happen to think that we should have been more vigilant; now things have reached epic proportions, we are 15 trillion in debt, gas is over $4.00 a gallon, millions of Americans are out of work and the reality is that this was all by DESIGN. If "Obamacare" is not repealed it will most certainly collapse the system...again by DESIGN.

Barack Obama does not believe in capitalism, he does not believe in free markets. He believes in redistribution and lowering standards. His father was an anti- colonialist and Barack was raised with that ideology. It's no suprise that he never talks of American exceptionalism...he doesn't believe in it. In the short time he has been President he has installed punitive policies that have crippled job creation. He has circumvented Congress and when legislation he supported didn't get through he infused the EPA, FDA, Department of Agriculture and a number of other federal agencies with broad power to stifle growth. This is Obama's "hope and change." Obama and his Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu are no friends of fossil fuels. They tout the environment which is a sham, the real reason is that gasoline allows us freedom, we can be mobile, we can drive wherever we wish in whatever vehicle that suits us. If the President has his way we will all be driving little skates that can't travel more than 40 miles. Obama's adminsitration has done everything in their power to crack down on exploration. While the President talks about drilling he slows the permitting process for exploration. Our reserves are abundant, if we drilled throughout the country our debt would vanish in short order. Jobs would be plentiful and we would not be purchasing oil from our enemies, but the administration continues a moratorium on off-shore drilling and turns down the Keystone Pipeline. All this while folks are paying over $4.00 a gallon for gas, not to mention all the jobs the pipeline would create. Yet yesterday he was on the stump lying about how he is "for" the pipeline. His acomplices in the press (AP/Reuters, et al) continue to carry his water and willingly report falsehoods in an attempt to prop up his sinking poll numbers. NBC,ABC,CBS,MSN and CNN may as well sign on as "Pravda" for the propaganda they are spewing. The administration is waging a war on anyone who disagrees with them. Our first amendment rights are compromised and we are seeing right before our eyes a war on religion, most notably against the Catholic Church. People need to pay attention.


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