Monday, August 08, 2011

AAA...AA...What Does It Mean? by Dr. T

Our world revolves around "perception as reality." When the "un-deal" was finally announced last week the markets took a no-confidence dive and they have been in free fall ever since. Standard and Poors, who have long threatened to downgrade our triple A rating, did as they warned last Friday and the Dow has been falling ever since. This is the worst tumble since 2008. So what does our illustrious President do in the face of this economic disaster? Why, he does what he always does, he runs out and makes a speech and points the blame finger at everyone else. This has become his "modus operandi" and everyone is on to him. So much so, that while his lips were still moving the market fell over 200 points more. I do believe this is the "coup de grace" for Mr. Obama. As painful as it is for all Americans, perhaps this downgrade
was necesary, if only to wake folks up to the fact that this President, his "economic" team, and most of Congress don't have a clue. While the Republicans had real dyed in the wool solutions, they did not stick to their guns, they backed down and allowed the Senate and the President to dictate an abysmal outcome. They actually handed the President another blank check and made not one worthwhile cut. Oh wait, I should correct myself...they are going to establish another "bi-partisan commission." These ever-so-clever sophisticates will decide where to "trim." Don't you feel better already? Lets see, we've had about 17 commissions already and we are in worse shape. So these geniuses will get to work rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and we'll be wearing life preservers 'til 2012 in the hope that the ship rights itself. Hang on, we're in rough seas.


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