Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Game On by Dr. T

I love "pomp and circumstance;" I love rituals and traditions; and therefore I love "conventions!" On Tuesday night I settled in front of the TV to experience the speeches from some stars of the Republican Party. I was not disappointed. Rick Santorum was bold and credible as he made a compelling comparison between the vision of the GOP and the vision of the Democrats. He sprinkled his speech with personal anecdotes such as the story of Bella, his disabled child, whom doctors advised to "let go", yet today "she thrives." This story brought home the pro life lesson. He specified the GOP belief in individualism, hard work and structured family life as the platform for sucess. In contrast he highlighted the divisive strategy of an administration that seeks to pit one group against another: race against race, legal immigrant against illegal, rich against poor and young against old. Nikki Haley, the first woman governor of South Carolina, had example after example of the Obama administration's law suits against the states. Most notably the law suit against Boeing in her own state. South Carolina is a "right to work" state and Boeing brought thousands of jobs there. In an attempt to placate their union cronies the administration attempted to sue Boeing...the administration lost. Ann Romney gave us a look at the personhood of Mitt Romney as a father, a husband and caring citizen. As she explained it, Mitt quietly helps because he believes "give and it shall be given to you." She reminded us of his successes and let us know that he will approach the business of putting America back on track with the same determination. Her last line being "he will not fail." Chris Christie, bigger than life, gave the keynote address. In typical "Christie" fashion he laid out the case for what it will take to bring America to the next great century. He spoke of his own accomplishments within a very "blue" state which proves that bipartisan agreements are possible. He spoke of taking on the teachers union, something thought to be imposssible. Most importantly, he spoke about the fact that the American people want the truth... for too long we've been deceived. He believes that the American people will embrace programs that will cut spending and reduce the size of government. If it can be done in New Jersey it can be done throughout the country. I pray that he is right. I pray that the Romney / Ryan ticket is successful and that we embark on a new and prosperous path.


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