Friday, July 01, 2005

And Now Your House by Dr. T

In its relentless attempts to undermine the Constitution and trample liberty the Supreme Court delivered the coup de grace today. I'm still reeling. One of the last vestiges of the American dream is now threatened. The right to private property has been the most coveted of our liberties since the inception of this nation. The founders understood that striving for and attaining assets was key to maintaining a truly free society. The 5th ammendment to the constitution safeguards against confiscation of private property for public use without just compensation. The concept of "eminent domain" which is the right of a government to appropriate private property for public use has long been established, ie. for roads, hospitals, schools etc. However it was never intended to be used for "private" enterprise.

Now these "keystone judges" have determined that eminent domain extends to the private sector. In a nutshell, my friends, your homes can now be taken to make room for a shopping mall or office complex. After all, the public will be using it right?
In a stunning decision the court, seeing potential tax dollars, has essentially pulled the rug out from under American citizens.

I have no doubt that if you took a poll the consensus among Americans would be that their homes and their property are directly behind their loved ones in terms of importance. We work hard to achieve a home of our own, we work hard to maintain a home, it is an extension of ourselves. We pay exorbitant taxes for the privilege of keeping our home.

It's just been reported that Justice O'Connor has stepped down. You will now see the fight of your lives over it. One need only have a little foresight. If Hillary is elected in '08 and more left leaning judges are appointed to the bench, America as we know it will cease to exist.

"Oh doctor, isn't that a bit extreme?" If only it was.


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