Sunday, September 18, 2005


Well, well, well in case you haven't heard, not "everyone" blames President Bush for evacuation problems experienced in New Orleans. After the President's speech the other night, ABC news was live at the Houston Astrodome, eager to interview evacuees. Reporter Dean Reynolds took four people out of the air conditioned dome to query them on their reactions to the President's speech. Building up on how long these folks had been in Houston, Reynolds asked baited questions, fully expecting wrath upon Mr. Bush. What he got clearly took him off guard; all four people interviewed were optimistic about the President's speech; claiming they believed he would rebuild their city. After interviewing four people and getting the same reactions, Reynolds actually went back to the first person and continued to probe. He asked if she "blamed" anyone and the woman said "Yes, I blame the mayor of our city". Hardly the answer the reporter was hoping for. He finally had to concede to Nightline's Ted Koppel that there was "little skepticism" here over the President's speech.

Whew....How great to see an orchestrated media blitz backfire!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

This Disaster Is Anything But Natural by Dr. T

Hurricanes have been around long before man and they will continue to be around long after our final footprints have disappeared from the earth. Clearly hurricane Katrina will go down in the annals as one of the most horrific of our time. But what makes this one unique is the storm that has brewed in the aftermath. The clash between the political parties has intensified enormously over the past decade. In years past a disaster such as this would have united folks on both sides of the aisle. The recovery stage would have had everyone putting aside their differences and rolling up their sleeves. Not so this time. I have never heard such vitriol and vindictiveness in my life. The Democrats can hardly contain themselves, they seem almost giddy over the fact that something this horrific has happened on this President's watch. Of course their willing accomplices in the media are only too happy to report every negative comment and accusation, no matter how incredulous. This evening I watched an interview Alan Colmes had with Howard Dean. Dean, true to form, blamed Bush and the administration for the loss of life in New Orleans. While not blatantly calling the President a racist, he implied it by claiming that the slow response showed a disregard for the under-priviledged. The statements were outrageous and in saner times would have been denounced. This from the head of the DNC. It is simply beyond the pale but unfortunately it is the politics of our time. The Dems are not unlike the levies in New Orleans; barely hanging on, trying to stay above water. I believe the American people are seeing through them and as I continue to watch and to hear their rants, I envision them washed away by their own evil debris.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Water Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink by Dr. T

As a self proclaimed "doctor of logic" I've been analyzing the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The storm had not yet dissipated and already the finger pointing had begun. The Bush haters are blaming him for creating a "natural disaster", which of course bestows upon him super powers, but what the heck. The Dems are blaming the Republicans...predictable....the Republicans are blaming the Dems...also predictable.Throw into the mix every conceivable theory from racism to the wrath of God and you've got the mother of all "blame games". Not to be outdone by the politicos, the Hollywood wackos are also chiming in with outrage about the ineptitude of the federal government. After all, the likes of Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell et al, cetainly know more about evacuation plans and rescues than the National Guard and the Red Cross and the thousands of volunteers who have been living the nightmare that is New Orleans in order to help save lives.

Now believe me, I know that mistakes have been made. There were gaps in communication and precious time was lost. But I believe that the biggest errors were made at the local level. The Mayor and the Governor were caught off sides; clearly there were no plans in place. The bigger issue is the fact that it was never a question of if, but only a question of when a storm of this magnitude would hit the gulf coast. The levies were built to withstand a category three hurricane, so all this talk about reinforcing them is baloney. The fact is that more money has been allocated to Louisiana in the time that President Bush has been in office than has been allocated to any other state in the nation. So....where did the money go????????

How is it that folks in England and folks in the Netherlands have locks 60 ft. high that are designed to detour raging waters and we couldn't conceive of such a plan?

This is what we should be analyzing.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I am telling ordering you to read this!

I have posted other pieces by other writers from time to time, and this is one of those occasions.
I have not been posting a lot lately, because, after you read this hopefully you can kind of figure it out...WOOF WOOF!!

This is an outstanding piece that should be on syllabi throughout higher education across the land. Please read carefully.