Thursday, February 07, 2013

Rapid Fire (Pardon the Pun) by Dr. T

Our "Dictator in Chief" is making rapid fire changes almost daily. In most cases circumventing the Constitution in an unprecedented power grab. Through legislation sanctioned by Democratic majority or regulations imposed by government agencies, these rules will forever change the lives of American citizens.

The quick push is a great strategy because it doesn't allow time for folks to fully appreciate what is happening. One of the newest edicts is through the FDA whereby all grocery/supermarket chains willl have to exhaustively record ingredients/menus on all of their products. This will require a huge expenditure on the part of the retailers which no doubt will be passed on to consumers. Employees will have to be trained to record the requisite paperwork that the government overseers will demand. AND if the requirements are not strictly adhered to the penalty is "jail"...yes my friends, imprisonment for neglecting to record an ingredient.

One must be wise enough to see the bigger picture here. The government is going after every aspect of our lives and what we eat is a big part of it. This is a first step . Keep in mind that Obamacare was never about "affordable healthcare," it is all about control. There will be penalties for obesity so watch out if your BMI is not what the government says it should be. Next our doctors will be required to report on all aspects of our health - there will be no more confidentiality. Of course, this information grab will be framed as setting up a secure database that will improve services. What this really will be is a fact sheet on each American that government bureaucrats will use to determine whether or not you receive health services. Don't doubt me, it is already in place in the UK. And now for my final analysis on why this all is really coming to pass........

There are many folks who will think that I have finally lost my mind but I know I'm right so here goes... If you have been keeping up with news that squeaks out, you willl know that the Department of Health & Human Services, the IRS and the Congressional Budget Office have predicted that the cost of implementing Obamacare will skyrocket and force as many as 7 million people off  health insurance. All the promises that costs would go down were lies, all the promises that "if you like your policy and your doctor, you can keep them"...again all lies. The punitive costs will cause employers to drop employees from their health plans.  It is predicted that it will cost $20,000.00 to insure a family of five. In addition there will be millions of cuts in Medicade and Medicare forcing more people off the roles. This my friends is all by design. With millions of people forced off their individual plans or their employers' plans, the only alternative they will have is to seek insurance from the Feds. So there you have it...universal, government run healthcare.

There is another and even more sinister agenda behind this maneuvering. The Baby Boomer generation is the last to really understand the principles that made America great. The founders knew tyranny and they set about forming a republic that would protect the citizens from an oppressive government. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the 3 separate branches of our Government were set up to keep checks and balances in place. Sadly, our liberties are being taken away and the Constitution is being diluted. The Baby Boomers were educated prior to the rewriting of history...prior to the propaganda of leftist educators whose sole purpose is to create young drones who believe that America is evil.  We Boomers grew up with all the advantages that capitalism and a free market economy offers. We grew up loving our country and believing in American exceptionalism. We grew up with a work ethic, not the notion that all things come from government. We understand that that which the government gives, the government can take away. The simple fact is "we know too much." Once the boomers are gone the way will be clear and the new world order will become the lay of the land. Obamacare will help facilitate our demise...we will be denied care by some "death panel" bureaucrat who will determine that we are "too old."  Conspiracy theory you say? Just wait and see.


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