Having witnessed the utter downfall of the Republican led congress two Tuesdays back, I have read quite a few pundit's columns on the subject. Not a few times have these writers
referenced the ill-fated attempt by house and senate Republicans to save Terry Schiavo's life back in May, 2005. Now it still stings a bit to hear liberals and their media discuss the Schiavo family ordeal in terms of politics, but what I cannot grasp - even if it seems reasonable presently - is why conservatives would do the same. I can imagine it is the Libertarian edge that some conservatives have that lead them to such political negativity in forming their opinion of the congressional attempts. But for myself I believe in the dignity of
innocent life. And being a strong anti-cynic, I believe that my fellow conservatives cared little of the political clout they would gain or lose by trying to save a young woman's life regardless of her circumstances. Perhaps it was the outcome that drives them to write of the Schiavo case as part of the reason Republicans lost, but why fall for such a liberal-laced land mine? When one agrees with liberals that the Schiavo case was wrong it takes the seriousness out of the subject. Furthermore when one doubly uses it as proof of a specific political outcome; one is agreeing with a group that argues for the illogical duality of leniency in deathrow cases while at the same time supporting the deaths of innocents. I am not saying the now minority party was without fault while in the majority, but it would seem to me that the Republican's lack of fiscal restraint is reason enough to, in hindsight, give reason for their election day loss.