Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Upon the Passing of WFB...

Have you, or are you still "leading a useful and creative life". That, my fair readers, is what I am asking myself and those reading my anecdotal scratchings while perusing the internet's usefulness. The above quote was uttered during an interview of William F. Buckley by Bill Steigerwald last year. To me, ultimately without reservation, it sums up a focal end one may strive to throughout life. An unimpeded path everyone may or may not travel, WFB seems to have led.

Currently conservative America can see Mr. Buckley's influence in the daily read of National Review online. Until 1990 of which he was the editor. If one is to make study of the American ideal of conservatism reference the names, Kirk, Reagan, Goldwater, and Buckley are legion. A hyperbolic rant from an erudite, wanna-be as I is perhaps unnecessary - but some things to remember about the man.

A staunch conservative can come from Ivy League halls, God bless it. Not every candidate that the RNC builds up deserves our backing. Wit and wisdom can be one in the same. Being unpopular does not mean you are wrong. In reference to types and stereotypes, labels and monikers, be not easily defined.

Thanks Bill...

Friday, February 22, 2008

I Could Not Have Said It Better Myself...

Linda Chavez for wrote a very good piece about Mrs. Obama's new found "pride" in her nation. Chavez's description of patriotism is extremely well written. Please pay attention to the analogy of unconditonal, parental love to patriotism. It is classic.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Now What?!

What else is there to write about? John McCain, save some act of divine providence, is going to be the GOP Presidential nominee. Sen. John McCain the "maverick", the "independent", the senior Senator from Arizona, is going to be our nominee. So what the heck are we supposed to do now?

We could take the Ann Coulter route and support what may be the worst female in the world in, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (the name just conjures up the taste of bile and visuals of women name, "Butch").

Or, we may choose to stay at home. Let Mrs. Bill or Barack take the helm and steer us down the river Styx.

Maybe, we could form a new, third party, i.e. Bull Moose and have absolutely no chance to win. No chance. Everyone remembers Ross Perot and Ralph Nader, right?

But possibly, quite possibly in fact, if (that's a big if) Sen. McCain chooses the right, dyed-in-the-wool conservative figure to be his running mate-especially if he is fiscally conservative-we can find a way to support him.

More to come...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Just Starting to Beat a Dead Horse...

I recently heard two things that the McCain camp put out to our "venerable" press. The senior Senator from Arizona expressed to his staff that after his "victory" on Mardi Gras that he would like to meet with conservative leaders and find a common ground. Now I may just be your simple scribe on this site but, I do remember the Senator campaigning recently as the true conservative in the Republican field. Now, correct me if I am wrong but if Mr. McCain is the true conservative why would he need to find "common ground" with conservatives? Just a thought.

Next thought: John McCain has said in speeches lately that part of his platform is to procure federal funding for companies that specialize or are willing to start researching "solutions" to our energy solutions. He wants to give millions of dollars of our money to companies to use to find new avenues for our needs. Sounds good right. Here is my thought on that intention. How much money and for how long are these companies going to get these monies. My simple conservative thought on this topic is, let the market bear. Let the free market dicate how these companies use their money - not ours - to find "solutions". If a company receives money from the federal government, who is keeping tabs? Why not give them more when they ask for it. And if they receive money, why should they actually use it to find the "solution"? Why should they not keep stringing the federal piggy bank along for more money? If they eventually find a "solution", what would be more profitable, federal money, or the public dollar? Again, just a thought.

The Why's and What For's

I have been following politics either at the edges or intently for years. Probably since I was in third grade when we had a quasi-election in my class. Mr. Richel told us to vote for either Jimmy Carter (d), Ronald Reagan (R), or John Anderson (I). I recall this day vividly because Iwas interested in who the little strawberry-blonde girl had voted for, and Lord did I wish we voted for the same person. Regardless of that class' decision, I have been fairly interested in elections ever since. And believe it or not fair readers, I have rooted for the candidate with the (R) behind his name in every voter tally to this day. Without fail mind you.

I am perplexed, flummoxed, and maybe just a bit disconsolate. Perhaps I can give you a glimpse as to why I seem a tad confused: ------/Feingold, ------/Kennedy, ------/Leiberman. Have you not picked up what I am throwing down? More clues, you say, well can you tell me who voted against the first two Bush tax cuts? Who voted against the Constitutional Amendment defining marriage? Who voted against repealing the "death tax"? Who voted against repealing the estate tax? Who in 2000 said that he would apply no "litmus test" for his Supreme Court appointees when it comes to Roe vs. Wade? Who joined Sen. Arlen Spector (R?) in stating that the Mexican government should be consulted before any attempt to secure our southern border? Who voted for federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research? Who on Jan. 8th of this year vowed to "make global warming a priority"? Who thinks we are stupid, can be misled, do not recall past liberal leanings and down right socialistic votes? Lastly, who wants to invoke the Gipper's memory to further his, rather unfortunate, campaign in this writer's opinion?

John McCain. Have the voters gone mad? Are they getting so tired as to vote for whomever the media tells them is leading. I am down right pissed. How many times have you watched the news, read a paper, or listened to talk radio and been flabbergasted or aggravated with Senator McCain's vote or position on a political issue (countless times when it comes to this writer). He partnered with Sen. Lieberman to propose a bill which would increase the federal gasoline tax by $0.50 a gallon for goodness sake! He still thinks McCain/Feingold is good legislation! Has he read the Constitution lately. I have. And his bill (now law) is an affront. Speech is protected there - especially political speech.

I have no solution to his impending victory. He is loved enough in red-states ( which a Republican will never win in a general election anyway) to be perceived by the media and the general public to gain our parties banner. I am a positive person, and am still hoping for a Romney miracle. Why did Fred have to come in so late and bow out so early? All may not be lost. Although I am preparing for the eventual.