I have been following politics either at the edges or intently for years. Probably since I was in third grade when we had a quasi-election in my class. Mr. Richel told us to vote for either Jimmy Carter (d), Ronald Reagan (R), or John Anderson (I). I recall this day vividly because Iwas interested in who the little strawberry-blonde girl had voted for, and Lord did I wish we voted for the same person. Regardless of that class' decision, I have been fairly interested in elections ever since. And believe it or not fair readers, I have rooted for the candidate with the (R) behind his name in every voter tally to this day. Without fail mind you.
I am perplexed, flummoxed, and maybe just a bit disconsolate. Perhaps I can give you a glimpse as to why I seem a tad confused: ------/Feingold, ------/Kennedy, ------/Leiberman. Have you not picked up what I am throwing down? More clues, you say, well can you tell me who voted against the first two Bush tax cuts? Who voted against the Constitutional Amendment defining marriage? Who voted against repealing the "death tax"? Who voted against repealing the estate tax? Who in 2000 said that he would apply no "litmus test" for his Supreme Court appointees when it comes to Roe vs. Wade? Who joined Sen. Arlen Spector (R?) in stating that the Mexican government should be consulted before any attempt to secure our southern border? Who voted for federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research? Who on Jan. 8th of this year vowed to "make global warming a priority"? Who thinks we are stupid, can be misled, do not recall past liberal leanings and down right socialistic votes? Lastly, who wants to invoke the Gipper's memory to further his, rather unfortunate, campaign in this writer's opinion?
John McCain. Have the voters gone mad? Are they getting so tired as to vote for whomever the media tells them is leading. I am down right pissed. How many times have you watched the news, read a paper, or listened to talk radio and been flabbergasted or aggravated with Senator McCain's vote or position on a political issue (countless times when it comes to this writer). He partnered with Sen. Lieberman to propose a bill which would increase the federal gasoline tax by $0.50 a gallon for goodness sake! He still thinks McCain/Feingold is good legislation! Has he read the Constitution lately. I have. And his bill (now law) is an affront. Speech is protected there - especially political speech.
I have no solution to his impending victory. He is loved enough in red-states ( which a Republican will never win in a general election anyway) to be perceived by the media and the general public to gain our parties banner. I am a positive person, and am still hoping for a Romney miracle.
Why did Fred have to come in so late and bow out so early? All may not be lost. Although I am preparing for the eventual.