Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Kharmic Piggy-Back to Yesterday...

If you read my posting yesterday you may (or may not) see that the galactic balance is still being maintained. The NFL came out with their 2009 schedule today, and a more difficult schedule I dare you to find other than the Pittsburgh Steelers come this fall. Hey Dan Rooney, take that kharmic jab to the midsection.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Almost Makes You Want to Root for the Eagles...Almost!?

Newsmax today pointed out that Pittsburgh Steelers' chairman, Dan Rooney endorses Barack Obama for President. In the quick article Mr. Rooney is quoted as saying, "When I hear how excited young people seem to be when they talk about this man, I believe he will do what is best for them, which is to inspire them to be great Americans." My one question is, what about the other 99%?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

If I could spin like this I would be James Brown...

There really is no length that the left will go to get rid of any assemblance of tradition. Maybe in the long run I am a Kirkian paleoconservative, but then again maybe I can see through the liberal's ability to seek out all available avenues, ie. China, global warming, China and global warming...http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4614004&page=1. Need I say more.

Friday, April 04, 2008

An Inconvenient Lack of Clarity

I saw the headline on Drudge, and of course, was intrigued, REPORT: GLOBAL TEMPS 'HAVE NOT RISEN SINCE 1998'. Now, if you can determine what in the heck the point of the first four paragraphs of the story is you win. This article takes contradiction and elevates it to an art form. I do not think I could do it, but then again yes I could... well maybe not.