Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm No Sheep by Dr. T

I've been chastised verbally and in print about the fact that I should stand by the President. That WE ALL should stand by the President. This is flawed thinking and you can count me out. I will not be a sheep who just follows blindly along. It is precisely because I love my country that I will rail against any President or any administration and party that stands to jeopardize it.

I respect the office of the President and if I were to meet President Obama I certainly would respect him as a holder of that office. But, I am a thinker and if I disagree with the ideology and or policies that are being adapted I will exercise my first amendment right to present a counter opinion. President Obama has been in office just 30 days and in that short amount of time he has rushed to have a stimulus package pushed through without our representatives having had time to read it. Mr. Obama promised us transparency but the bill which will be paid for by us, our children and their children, was not made available to the public until AFTER it was passed. Sorry, but this does not give me a warm & fuzzy. The bill is now being savaged by many economists that predict it will do little to help the American people as most of the spending is slated for 2010 and beyond. Most of the spending is also geared toward fattening up the government even more, with ever expanding entitlements and more government workers. There is a tremendous amount of pork being spent on pet projects, ie. business as usual. The Republican plan would have spent far less money and initiated more jobs for the private sector, but it wasn't even considered. So much for bi-partisanship. Anyone who doesn't see this as a power grab has their head in the sand. We had welfare reform, Mr. Obama is bringing welfare back. He also is insisting that banks that didn't ask for bail out money must take it, but with strings attached. This is a concerted effort to nationalize the banking system. I would remind you that if the government didn't mandate that banks give loans to folks who couldn't afford them we wouldn't be in this mess. So now the very people who got us in trouble are attempting to ride in on the white horse and save us.

Give your brain a workout...think things you really think this happened by accident or by design????


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