I'd like to Give Credit by Dr. T
Now on to those pesky confirmation hearings. Timothy Geithner was on the "hot seat" today...he was grilled and fileted by the committee(ahem), he was forced to admit that he "made a mistake" but certainly not "intentionally." I'm sure the IRS would be just as benevolent if I had a "hiccup" and forgot to file my taxes. You see, folks, I'm an independent contractor just like Mr. Geithner, and every quarter Uncle Sam gets a sizeable check in estimated taxes from me. I'd be squashed like a bug in record time if that check went missing. So you'll excuse me if I don't extend any credit to Mr. Geithner.
Last but not least...the disgusting, disgraceful attacks against George Bush continued right through his last day. Clearly we have lost civility. Folks in the crowd were heard booing and making derogatory comments as the former First Couple made their way to their seats at the Inauguration. No President is perfect, but this one kept us safe for seven years after 9/11...At one of the Inaugural balls some rappers sang obscene lyrics aimed at Mr. Bush. President Bush endured horrendous attacks throughout his entire tenure. The bombs were thrown by the press(who clearly had an agenda), by the Hollywood elites(who clearly had an agenda), by the Democrats (who clearly had an agenda) and by ingnorant citizens. So today I have no credit to dole out, only pity at how far we've sunk.
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