Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the Autumn of my Activism by Dr. T

If years ago anyone would have told me that in the “autumn” of my life I would become an activist, I would have laughed and said “no way”. Yesterday, I did just that. I am a member of the newly formed Cortland Chapter of Glenn Beck’s We Surround Them..the 9/12 Project”. We held a “tea party”at 5pm in front of the post office on Main Street.

In addition to the group’s members, about 150 citizens came out to hear what we are all about. It was inspiring and encouraging to know that all across our nation, in large cities and small country towns, citizens were gathering to make their voices heard and to exercise their first amendment rights.

Throughout our program the signs and speeches reflected the concerns of caring, patriotic people who are unhappy with the path the country is taking. This was democracy at work; the utilization of the privilege granted to us by our founding fathers. We are not fanatics, we are not extremists, we are not haters, on the contrary…we love our country and we wish to see the liberties granted to us passed on to future generations. We are all about getting back to basics.

Thank you citizens of Cortland for coming out to hear us; we look forward to seeing you again soon.


Blogger John Brainard said...

It was a good time. I hope to get pictures up on the facebook group this weekend.

Fri Apr 17, 01:17:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you love your country so much, where were you the past eight years while Bush and Cheney shit all over it?

Glenn Beck?

Morons like you and Glenn Beck really deserve each other.

Sat May 23, 12:17:00 AM EDT  

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