Stand Tall America by Dr T
Last year Speaker Pelosi referred to grassroots Americans who attended tea parties as "astro turf". We were referred to as "the fringe"...we were but annoying litle bugs. But...we didn't go away, in fact, we grew stronger and as momentum has built around the Tea Parties, the rhetoric has stepped up. The media now labels people who speak out against the take-over of our freedoms as "dangerous" and "racist". We are Timothy McVeigh wanna-be's. This tactic is not surprising. With calls for repeal of the monstrous health care bill, with calls for jobs (because over 10% of Americans are without work), with calls for an accounting of unbridled spending and an unsustainable debt, the liberal left and the policy makers are desparate to silence us.
Now it is up to us..."We the people", to calmly and without violence, keep the pressure on. It is up to us to clean house and get rid of the cesspool that Washington has become. It will be a long and laborious task but admittedly, the most important of our lives if we ever expect to hand our children and grandchildren the America we knew.