Wednesday, January 05, 2011

And The Baton Is Passed by Dr. T

This was an historic day....the 112th Congress convened with a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. I'm a lover of all things traditional, I like "pomp & circumstance" therefore I happily watched the festivities unfold. Of course, in order to partake of newly elected speaker Boehner's swearing in, I had to endure Nancy Pelosi's delusional step-down speech. True to form it was a pat on the back soliloquy outlining the many accomplishments of her tenure. Did this woman leave the planet this past November 2nd? One would have to imagine that she was flying around in her Gulf Stream far above earth's atmosphere when the people voted her sorry butt, and those of the rest of the Democrat-held House, out of office. With her usual clownish smile she reminded us of the passing of Obamacare, sneaking in a thinly-veiled warning of the dread a repeal would unleash. She reminded us that she and her cronies ended "don't ask... don't tell" as if the whole country was fixated on that one.

No mention, of course, of how she broke every promise she made when elected Speaker. You know, the promises of pay as you go(she ran up a staggering $5.2 trillion deficit)and of more transparency(she passed bills in the dead of night behind closed doors). The list could go on and on. This was by far the most unethical (Charlie Rangel, et al)and underhanded Congress in the history of the Country.

So now we have a lot of clean-up to do. I know the American people will hold the Representatives accountable. Speaker Boehner will not have an easy task but he is a smart, humble and sensible man. I have faith that he will be able to set us on the right path. The good news is that the incoming lawmakers have identified themselves as "Conservatives". At this juncture in our history Conservatism and a return to our founding principles is the solution that will give us back our Republic.


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