Friday, November 11, 2011

What's It Gonna Take? by Dr. T

There is no question that our Country is in decline. There is corruption at such high levels that the stench is palpable. It permeates our educational institutions, our industries, and our government. It is present, without exception, from local levels to state levels - all the way to the feds. It's a cancer destroying us from within. Human nature is a paradox, from the deepest, darkest depths of evil to the loftiest virtue of self sacrifice, our human condition is the eternal tug of war of good versus evil. As people gain power so, too, do they become more vulnerable to the "dark side." Whether it is lobbyists greasing palms in Congress or school administrators in Pennsylvania turning a blind eye on child abuse for the "good of the game," it all boils down to human frailty and human frailty has become an epidemic in our society. It is evident everywhere you look. What may have begun as good intentioned protesters of Occupy Wall Street has degenerated into mob rule and anarchy. What started as college kids defending their beloved coach at Penn State has degenerated into vandalism with not a thought for the real victims of this sad story.

We'd better get a grip... we'd better recognize that we are the architects of our own demise...if we don't rail against the dark side of the human condition, America as we know it will no longer exist.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

America the Beautiful by Dr. T

It's been a while since I've been on the blog. Bill and I left on 9/16 to "see America" and we just returned on 10/28. What a trip it was! We traveled from "sea to shining sea" and I can say without hesitation that God surely did shed His grace on this great Nation. Each State has its own unique beauty, from magnificent ocean waves crashing on pristine beaches to extraordinary rock formations, mountains, plains and desert, our Country is incredibly beautiful. What's more, the beauty went beyond the topography, beyond Mt. Rushmore in all its splendor, beyond Old Faithful putting on a show and beyond strolling herds of buffalo. The beauty was also there in the people we met. Hard working citizens just like Bill and me, we met them at the visitor centers, the rest stops, the restaurants, hotels and museums. All of them eager to accommodate us, to share their stories and to hear ours. Even before I left home, I instinctively knew what I would find and in spite of all the chaos our Country is in, meeting folks all across the Land gave me hope that we will come through this dark time and emerge stronger....after all, this is AMERICA!