Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beware the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Dr. T

Well I did it...I braved another "State of The Union Show". As it is an election year the President was very crafty in how he presented himself. I expected that he would give himself kudos for ending our involvement in Iraq; a political calculation for his base, and his orders to take out bin Laden and Ghadaffi. He took credit for creating 2 million private sector jobs, a number I highly dispute while also taking credit for putting American car companies back on top. These accomplishments are definitely on the short list and the President was careful to steer clear of all the failures with the exception of a brief mention of how some investments can go awry(while not mentioning Solyndra by name).

He brought up the same old mantra of higher taxes for millionaires, reforms for education and illegal immigration, and the building of infrastructure(didn't the stimulus take care of that?). He proposed a new federal program for helping folks in forclosure and a huge Department of Defense investment in "clean energy".

His focus was to say all the right things and this is where the crafty part comes in. Obama was all pro-America....all puffed up for the "Stars 'n' Stripes". He was pro Israel and heavy handed on Iran. He was all for natural gas exploration, stating that he would open up 75% of public lands for drilling. Anyone who has studied this man and his ideology knows this is not Barack Obama. But this is an election year so ...beware the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Dead Heat in Iowa by Dr. T

Well, it is 1:00 in the morning EST and we still don't have a definitive winner in Iowa. No matter, the votes are just a handful apart between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, so in my mind it's a virtual tie. This has been a remarkable journey for Santorum who made it all the way to the top of the heap on $30,000 and a conservative message. Clearly Mitt was caught off guard, he went after who he thought his biggest competitor would be and spent millons beating up on Newt Gingrich only to have Rick Santorum biting at his heels.

Santorum's story is amazingly close to my own. We both had immigrant grandparents who believed in the American dream, came here legally, worked hard, became citizens and raised families to love and cherish the liberty that is America. His message resonated with the people of Iowa and I believe that his message will resonate with the rest of the Country. He will be a stark contrast to Barack Obama and if he becomes the nominee I have no doubt that he will be a formidable challenger. This is a man who has never waivered from his beliefs, he has painstakingly brought his message of pure Reagan conservatism to 99 counties and over 300 town halls. In a phrase... "he took it to the people". If Mitt turns out to be the nominee I will support him and I hope every Republican does the same. This is not the time to be short sighted. If your guy isn't picked for God sake don't stay home for if you do you may as well press the lever for Obama. But...I truly would like to see Rick Santorum go head to head with our failed President. The country tried the "hope and change" bit, it wasn't what they were expecting...it's time to get back to our roots, to first principles and smaller government. I think Santorum's got the goods.