Remember Emperor Nero? A self absorbed boob too busy indulging himself to even notice the chaos around him. Soon under his governance or lack there of, the epicenter of western civilization burned. History has a funny way of repeating itself and in the four years since President Obama's election, our beloved America, the great superpower of the modern world, has been eroding into a country no longer recognizable.
The list of egregious missteps, deceptions and down right incompetence by this President, his administration and the Congress is appallingly long. From cover-ups to misuse of taxpayer dollars the citizens have been duped at every juncture. The problem is many folks are too busy watching "Honey BOO BOO" and "Jersey Shore" to give a damn.
The latest horrendous blunder is last week's eruption of protests which began in Libya and Egypt and quickly spread to more than 20 countries. The murder of our Ambassador to Libya along with 3 other Americans was touted as a spontaneous assault brought on by an obscure anti-Muslim film on You Tube. This story was a lie from the beginning, yet the willing accomplices in the media ran with the "story" in order to cover up Obama's nonexistant foreign policy. To add insult to injury, while the Muslim flag replaced our flag on our burning embassies, the President was in Las Vegas campaigning. After five days of conflicting stories, the administration finally had to admit that the attacks were preplanned to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11. Why the lies? Why no beefed up security in anticipation of 9/11? Why hasn't the FBI been allowed to begin it's investigation? The pictures of Ambassador Stevens being dragged through the streets of Benghazi before his murder are horrific, yet the President called this a "bump in the road".
I don't know about you, dear readers, but I've had enough. Romney had better be on his game - November looms and the Emperor has no clothes.
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