Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Second String is Better Than No String by Dr. T

It's about time all we "little people" understood that we are no longer living in a republic. All the brouhaha about the government shut down and debt ceilings and continuing resolutions is a game, a dance, a show. This is not to say that we are not on the brink of running out of funds, it is merely to say that everyone on both sides of the aisle knew it was coming .

It's about time we understood that the enormous debt we have run up has been the result of decades of kicking the can down the road. Our "elected officials" have mortgaged our children and grandchildren and for what? It actually is easily explained...career politicans will do anything to keep themselves in power and to keep their goodies coming in. The majority party and it's administration are content to keep giving out taxpayer funds to the so called disenfranchised in order to get their votes. The minority party while feigning outrage will in the end "go along." Why? Because being second string is better than no string and they don't want to give up their goodies.
The American people also share responsibility for this. After all, the scoundrels were voted in! So in the end the drama will play out and the debt ceiling will be raised again, and more money which we cannnot pay back will be spent until we finally reach critical mass and collapse.

Friday, June 07, 2013

1984 has arrived by Dr. T

If George Orwell were alive he'd say "I told you so." With the breaking news that our phone calls and internet activity are being gathered it seems "Big Brother" has arrived. I understand that desperate times call for desperate measures but there is much confusion swirling around this latest power grab by an adminstration that clearly believes in "give an inch...take a yard."

Since the annihilation of Bin Laden the President has taken every possible opportunity to congratulate himself and to convince us that the "War on Terror" is over. The Fort Hood shooting by Major Hasan was, after all, work place violence. I guess no one in the administration heard him utter "Allahu Akhbar" before killing 13 and wounding 30. While Hasan contunues to get his military salary the injured are having difficulty receieving military benefits to aid them in their recovery.

The fact is, every thinking American including the adminstration knows that the the war on terror is far from over. My beef is that if surveillance is necessary I want to be assured that the Mosques and cells within our country are being monitored with the same vigilance. In the wake of the IRS targeting of conservative groups it is not such a leap to wonder if this latest invasion of privacy isn't just another avenue to increase the President's "enemies list."

Thursday, May 23, 2013


As the trifecta of scandals swirls around Congress and the Administration, it is amazing that all the high level players including the President didn’t know a thing. These pronouncements can only be construed as blatant lies or woeful ineptitude. In either case these folks are culpable.

Sadly the people at the top are relying on the fact that most people have short memories and the hope is that all the hoopla will soon fade and folks will forget. I for one will not. If you are a “thinking” person you simply have to connect the dots to understand the magnitude of the deceptions and manipulations that have been perpetrated.

First remember that Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the seizure of AP phone records by the DOJ all took place during a very close presidential election cycle. The administration along with accomplices in various agencies set about doctoring memos and strong arming anyone who might not push the lever on the “D” column.  The fact that conservative / Tea Party groups and religious organizations were singled out for audit is particularly disturbing. Now that the lid has been blown off all of these scandals many senators are running for cover; however, it is interesting to note that some members of Congress actually petitioned the IRS to do the “dirty work”.  It’s important to note that the agenda for Congress and the President in his second term is to render the Republican Party powerless. What better way than to make examples of conservative organizations looking for tax exempt status. The IRS dragged its feet in granting tax exemptions while giving the green light to progressives. One can only wonder how much of an impact this maneuvering had on the election. Mr. Frank VanderSloot, CEO of Melaleuca  and a Romney donor was audited multiple times. Compliance costs money, time and resources. The message is clear for future GOP donors….if you donate …you will pay.

In another Federal agency initimidation story, Catherine Englebrecht, founder of "True the Vote" a Tea Party offshoot has been audited numerous times and visited by the IRS, the Justice Department and OSHA. The organization was founded for the express purpose of trainng poll watchers to protect against voter fraud. The intent is for fair and equal access to everyone  regardless of party affiliation. Evidently the mission of "True the Vote" was lost on the Feds and the organization was targeted.

Our liberty depends upon freedom at the ballot place, the free exchange of ideas and our right to align ourselves with whichever party we choose; anything less is soft tyranny.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Downward Spiral Continues by Dr. T

I often stay away from the blog for weeks at a time because I am overwhelmed with the rapid decline and downward spiral I see my country headed in. But eventually I feel compelled to respond, if only to vent and clear my mind of the constant "noise" swirling around in it.

I have on more than one occassion explained that the citizens are being bombarded with changes in such a rapid succession that we cannot keep up. The fact is that we are experiencing a world in chaos. Iran has nukes, North Korea is threatening us, Iraq and Afghanistan are crumbling, Syria has chemical weapons and we are in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood. Whistleblowers are coming forward on Benghazi and we have an "amnesty" immigration bill that if passed will collapse our country. Add to that the horrific terrorist  attack in Boston which is looking like horrendously failed intel.

We are not firing on all cylinders. Our agencies are not working in concert and the American people are not being protected. In the meantime our media, with the exception of Fox News, continues to cover for this administration. The biggest news story today was how President Obama called NBA player Jason Collins to congratulate him for his courage to "come out."

"Beam me up Scotty!"

Friday, February 22, 2013

I'm Ashamed Too by Dr. T

So Rush Limbaugh said "for the 1st time I'm ashamed of my country" and folks have their undies in a knot. I seem to remember Michele Obama waxing poetic on this topic some years ago. If you listen to Rush's full explanation he is very clear about what he means. Rush, like me, is a "baby boomer."  We grew up in a SANE America. We know how things are supposed to work and we recognize the fraud, deception and propaganda that are being perpetrated on the people. Rush could have been a little clearer by saying that he is ashamed of how the country is being governed. It's the elite ruling class that has ruined America. The basis of our liberty...that we the people run the country and that the politicans work for us seems to be completely lost on at least 51% of the citizens. Until the population gets smarter we will continue to decline. Corruption, special interest lobbying and reckless spending have all but collapsed the country. The knuckleheads in Washington did this and future generations will pay dearly for their misdeeds. We all should be ashamed that the greatest nation on the planet has 50 million people on food stamps, record unemployment and strangling regulations that keep us from tapping into our wealth of natural resources. We allowed this to happen - we voted for people who are only interested in themselves. We have nominees for Secretary of Defense and CIA director whose belief systems run counter to the mindset necessary to protect us in a post 9/11 world and the fact that these men are even being considered is "shameful". North Korea has nukes, Iran is almost there, we are supplying the Muslim Brotherhood with F16s, Al-Jazeera is setting up broadcast studios in American cities and our press is miffed because they couldn't get a picture of the President and Tiger Woods.

I'm ashamed...are you?

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Rapid Fire (Pardon the Pun) by Dr. T

Our "Dictator in Chief" is making rapid fire changes almost daily. In most cases circumventing the Constitution in an unprecedented power grab. Through legislation sanctioned by Democratic majority or regulations imposed by government agencies, these rules will forever change the lives of American citizens.

The quick push is a great strategy because it doesn't allow time for folks to fully appreciate what is happening. One of the newest edicts is through the FDA whereby all grocery/supermarket chains willl have to exhaustively record ingredients/menus on all of their products. This will require a huge expenditure on the part of the retailers which no doubt will be passed on to consumers. Employees will have to be trained to record the requisite paperwork that the government overseers will demand. AND if the requirements are not strictly adhered to the penalty is "jail"...yes my friends, imprisonment for neglecting to record an ingredient.

One must be wise enough to see the bigger picture here. The government is going after every aspect of our lives and what we eat is a big part of it. This is a first step . Keep in mind that Obamacare was never about "affordable healthcare," it is all about control. There will be penalties for obesity so watch out if your BMI is not what the government says it should be. Next our doctors will be required to report on all aspects of our health - there will be no more confidentiality. Of course, this information grab will be framed as setting up a secure database that will improve services. What this really will be is a fact sheet on each American that government bureaucrats will use to determine whether or not you receive health services. Don't doubt me, it is already in place in the UK. And now for my final analysis on why this all is really coming to pass........

There are many folks who will think that I have finally lost my mind but I know I'm right so here goes... If you have been keeping up with news that squeaks out, you willl know that the Department of Health & Human Services, the IRS and the Congressional Budget Office have predicted that the cost of implementing Obamacare will skyrocket and force as many as 7 million people off  health insurance. All the promises that costs would go down were lies, all the promises that "if you like your policy and your doctor, you can keep them"...again all lies. The punitive costs will cause employers to drop employees from their health plans.  It is predicted that it will cost $20,000.00 to insure a family of five. In addition there will be millions of cuts in Medicade and Medicare forcing more people off the roles. This my friends is all by design. With millions of people forced off their individual plans or their employers' plans, the only alternative they will have is to seek insurance from the Feds. So there you have it...universal, government run healthcare.

There is another and even more sinister agenda behind this maneuvering. The Baby Boomer generation is the last to really understand the principles that made America great. The founders knew tyranny and they set about forming a republic that would protect the citizens from an oppressive government. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the 3 separate branches of our Government were set up to keep checks and balances in place. Sadly, our liberties are being taken away and the Constitution is being diluted. The Baby Boomers were educated prior to the rewriting of history...prior to the propaganda of leftist educators whose sole purpose is to create young drones who believe that America is evil.  We Boomers grew up with all the advantages that capitalism and a free market economy offers. We grew up loving our country and believing in American exceptionalism. We grew up with a work ethic, not the notion that all things come from government. We understand that that which the government gives, the government can take away. The simple fact is "we know too much." Once the boomers are gone the way will be clear and the new world order will become the lay of the land. Obamacare will help facilitate our demise...we will be denied care by some "death panel" bureaucrat who will determine that we are "too old."  Conspiracy theory you say? Just wait and see.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

It's All Over but the Weeping by Dr. T

Dick Morris predicted a Romney landslide...he was wrong. While I always knew this election would be close I didn't expect the Republicans to lose. I'm devastated and angry. Barack Obama and his cohorts ran the dirtiest campaign in the history of the nation and the gullible sheeple bought right into it. It amazes me that some folks were able to dismiss a failing economy, high unemployment, and a shattered foreign policy ... not to mention numerous scandals (Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Solyndra). I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe. The takers have sold out their country for the promise of "free stuff". And the producers will continue to take it on the chin until there is no more left to give. Mitt Romney could have been instrumental in turning our decline around but too many people fell for the dangling carrot. Sadly, everyone will pay for this colossal lack of judgement. My heart is heavy and I fear for our future and I wonder ...does anyone else feel as sad as I do tonight?