Friday, August 26, 2005

She's Back! by Dr. T

Just a few days ago Cindy Sheehan's mother has a stroke so Cindy makes the announcement that she has to leave Crawford. Not being able to give up her 15 minutes of fame.....she's back. She really didn't have to worry, the infamous America basher, Joan Baez emerged from obscurity and was keeping her seat warm, but being out of the limelight was just more than Cindy could bear.

Make no mistake, I grieve for Cindy Sheehan's son as I do for all our fallen heros. I won't pretend to know the extent of the pain their familes endure; but having said that, I must also say that I've had it with this woman. She's being used as a pawn by the extreme left and she doesn't even see it. The media is having a field day because they've latched on to another story that they hope maligns the President. There have been thousands of stories on this anti war mom; how many stories have there been on the progress in Iraq???????Where are the reports of the building of infrastructure, the hospitals, the schools, the electricity, the restoration of services. Not to mention the end of the killing fields and rape rooms. And what of the heroic people marching for miles under the threat of harm to do something monumental, something they've never done, to vote in an election. The media won't report these stories for one reason and one reason alone, because they are positive. We've already got naysayers carping about the Iraq constitution being flawed. They actually are trying to compare it to our own. Is this pure stupidity or something more sinister? I've no doubt of what it is and I grow more disgusted by the day at what lengths the Bush haters will go to undermine this war. The sad reality is that many people still don't get it, they don't recognize the threat we face, they don't connect the dots and sadly they believe the anti war rhetoric that the Democratic party and the media are shoving down their throats. Those of us who understand that this is the next great conflict, that the threat of terrorism is real and that the enemy is among us, must stay strong. Our troops are putting their lives on the line for our freedom, we need to support them and to honor the memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What Good Could Come From This?

As the weeks, months, and years go by in our involvement in the War on Terror, the left, predictably, has become more irrate over our actions in Afghanistan and, especially, Iraq. There is a constant drumbeat from their side, "pull out of Iraq." What good could possibly come of this. Have the liberals properly thought through this proposition. This may be my imagination running wild, or, thinking as I calmly as I am right now, it may be a study in logic. As soon as a plan were put into place laying out a timeline for pullout the jihadist's websites would emphatically call their daily murdering and terrorism a victory against our forces. They would realize their brand of evil has worked against the finest military the world has ever seen. Next, most likely pre-full pullout, the burgeoning democracy secured with the blood of our men and women would crumble under the hairy knuckles of self-percieved "good" Muslims. Muslims by the way who see democracy and freedom as an afront to the Koran. To clarify this, it is not the pereception of all Muslims, just the ones who would seek to make Iraq the next Islamic, fascist paradise where killing of non-believers is thought of as necessary.
So, the left wants American forces out of Iraq, but what is the reason they normally give? They say they do not want anymore U.S. soldiers dying for an illegal, immoral war. The left holds an opinion of our actions against the evil-doers as immoral. This is of course their opinion. An opinion which rises from a supreme hatred for our Commander in Chief. Why cannot they be honest about their motives. Which in my humble "opinion" is the defeat of the Bush administration by any means necessary, be it the humiliation and defeat of our military in the eyes of the world. Could you imagine being that livid, that full of loathing, that you would rather see us lose than see our forces finish the job. Thank God I am not that blind.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

At Least Someone Has The Guts by Dr. T

I read tonight that "Italy" has banned the wearing of Islamic Burqas. Well, well, finally someone has the stones to stand up to the insanity and evil that has invaded Europe and our country as well. Mind you, for decades Italy has been as left a country as you will ever find, yet they finally get it. Stiff fines and even jail time will be levied upon anyone caught with their face covered. Lets hope it's not too little too late; for Muslims have all but overtaken the European nations. England is so entrenched that it may never recover its sovereignty. We would do well to heed the dilemma that Europe faces for we are close to a parallel situation here in the U.S. Liberalism and "political correctness" have had such a stronghold on this nation that we have lost our common sense. The likes of the ACLU (who no doubt are apoplectic over Italy's decision)have hijacked our courts and brainwashed our judges. You don't believe me? Case in point... New York City. The Mayor in a rare moment of lucidity has authorized random searches in the subway system. Using a number system (don't ask), a potential passenger is singled out to have his or her bag/backpack searched. On its face, not a bad idea but if only white haired old ladies are picked and young men meeting the profile of a possible enemy are avoided, what good is being accomplished? The ACLU screams "discrimination", I say "tough". We are in a war and unfortunately the enemy is among us. Political correctness is the biggest sham ever perpetrated upon the American people. It's about time we got tough and decided to really protect our citizens. If the ACLU doesn't like it, they can always relocate. I hear real estate in Baghdad is a bargain these days.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Good Job Sir!

Two quick things: Thank God the President stood by his principles by giving John Bolton a recess appointment to be the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. It's about time we had someone up there to crack some skulls. I am taking the under on how long it takes for him to piss off the French. Secondly, all this hullabaloo over a shift in semantics over calling the GWOT a war or not calling it a war should stop. If anyone wants to see how the Commander in Chief still feels about the GWOT click here. As you can see he is still calling it a war, and rightly so. And that goes for so-called clear-headed, conservative journalists (Andrew McCarthy again!).

Teach your parents well...

I, as most freedom Loving Americans, was discussed, but not surprised by the recent attacks on London, England. I view the relationship between Britain and America as symbolic of parent and young adult child. Reflecting on the history of this symbolic relationship, mother England survived America’s rebellious early adolescent phase. Thank god for the framers misbehavior or we would all be speaking English wait!….. hum……... forget that!
Seriously though, it is time for the parent to learn from the child. I thought of the line in the song, “Teach Your Children”
Graham Nash reversed the lyrics in the song. “Teach your parents well”
As the majority of sensible America unified behind our president at his shining moment following the 9-11 attack. W. lead this nation. I will always recall the warm tenderness I felt in my heart that October weekend, Fall 2001, as our precious bombs fell on Afghanistan, specifically the Taliban government. Following 9/11, the world witnessed the beautiful expression of American supremacy. There is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon in Fall 2001 than viewing file footage on TV of 2000 lb. explosive destruction. With the commentators input muted and enjoying some classical music to enhance the experience. Our Christmas gifts were delivered early that year to those radical recipients.
It infuriates me to think the Brits would even consider for a moment pulling out of Iraq at this moment in time. Once again let us think in terms of symbolism and principal. While I appreciate the need for future planning this should not happen days following an attack. There is no place for leeks and speculation connecting the withdrawal as a consequence of these attacks.
By doing this the British government risks adding a notch to the belt of the enemy. The likes of which we saw compliments of the Spanish following the Madrid attacks. At least wait 6 or even 12 months before that or do a better job containing leaks if this consideration was pre-London bombings, which it may have been.
Its all about perception, symbolism, and timing. Our fanatical opponents seems to understand symbolic communication considering where, when, and who they attack for example 9/11, Pentagon, financial district, World Trade Center NYC, and the recent London bombing during the G8 summit. And spin days before an election.

*note from daedalus- this post compliments of the "Rogerian Nightmare". Thanks boss.

Can Anyone Really Martyr Themselves?

I have been perplexed. I am not getting this concept of martyrdom (in the modern jihadi context). I thought I had a firm grasp on the idea. But, somehow in the last decade or so, it seems like so many other words in our language it to has been hijacked, morphed into something else, and since has come to mean something else. If one were to look back at the origins of Christian martyrdom, (A.D. third century) it was derived from a Greek word meaning to bear witness. Christians during these Roman times were to renounce their monotheistic beliefs in favor of the polytheistic teachings of Rome or be put to death by crucifixion or perhaps be fed to animals for show. There are surprisingly similar origins in the Islamic faith where the word for martyr is loosely translated as "shahid", literally taken to mean witness. To look at the early stories of shahidic figures in Islamic history one would see that these "martyrs" died at the hands of evil caliphs or polytheistic leaders of the Middle East, (see Sumaya bint Kammat).
So here we have it, people inspired so vehemently to adhere to their faiths that would rather suffer the ultimate fate than renounce them. And in all cases these martyrs suffer and died at the hands of others. In lies the conundrum, "at the hands of others". These current jihadi wanna-be's proclaim their own "marytr" status, and die at their own hands. Which would then make null and void their marytr status according to all widely held religions, including Islam. For you see, taking one's own life to make a point, however noble their warped minds believe themselves to be, does not qualify one for martyrdom. Instead it qualifies these cowardly killers as temporary stains on the pages of history.
True martyrs throughout history do not necessarily seek martyrdom, although it can be argued that they choose it. But, again, it is not at their own hands, and it certainly does not cause any harm but to themselves. For an inspiring story of two marytrs in Christain history see the story of Latimer and Ridley (recounted in Bradbury's Farenheit 451). As these two excommunicated reformists were led to their respective pyres Latimer spoke these famous words to Ridley shortly before they were set ablaze:

"Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle. By God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out."