Wednesday, August 03, 2005

At Least Someone Has The Guts by Dr. T

I read tonight that "Italy" has banned the wearing of Islamic Burqas. Well, well, finally someone has the stones to stand up to the insanity and evil that has invaded Europe and our country as well. Mind you, for decades Italy has been as left a country as you will ever find, yet they finally get it. Stiff fines and even jail time will be levied upon anyone caught with their face covered. Lets hope it's not too little too late; for Muslims have all but overtaken the European nations. England is so entrenched that it may never recover its sovereignty. We would do well to heed the dilemma that Europe faces for we are close to a parallel situation here in the U.S. Liberalism and "political correctness" have had such a stronghold on this nation that we have lost our common sense. The likes of the ACLU (who no doubt are apoplectic over Italy's decision)have hijacked our courts and brainwashed our judges. You don't believe me? Case in point... New York City. The Mayor in a rare moment of lucidity has authorized random searches in the subway system. Using a number system (don't ask), a potential passenger is singled out to have his or her bag/backpack searched. On its face, not a bad idea but if only white haired old ladies are picked and young men meeting the profile of a possible enemy are avoided, what good is being accomplished? The ACLU screams "discrimination", I say "tough". We are in a war and unfortunately the enemy is among us. Political correctness is the biggest sham ever perpetrated upon the American people. It's about time we got tough and decided to really protect our citizens. If the ACLU doesn't like it, they can always relocate. I hear real estate in Baghdad is a bargain these days.


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