Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hail Caesar...Yeah Right! by Dr. T

So finally the "big wind" has passed and the four days of adulation are over. There is a wise old adage that goes..."keep your friends close and your enemies closer." To that end I endured four days of ever expanding egos and empty rhetoric on display at the Democratic National Convention. How I survived, I'll never know. One by one the players paraded onto the stage and proceeded to fawn over each other, mouthing accolades and having a general love fest. First came the tribute to the Senator (Ad Infinitum) Edward Kennedy, sans any mention of "water" and his name in the same sentence. Then up he was, extolling the virtues of universal health care, a system he would ram down our collective throats, but one in which he and the other political elites would never participate. But this was a mere warm up for the crowd. Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the main event on the second evening, using every fiber in her body to convince her supporters that they should vote for Obama. On Wednesday evening it was more of the same, when husband Bill took to the stage and using his famous "pointed finger", he chastised the Republicans for a disastrous run and propped up Obama as the "Messiah" who would heal us. But even this was overshadowed by what was to come on Thursday evening.

As the sky cleared over Mile High Stadium, one could almost hear the sounds of chariots approaching as two by two, the faithful processed into the great arena. There were Greek columns and large projection screens. The air was electric as the throng waited for the anointed one. Finally he emerged to thunderous applause, his cries of "thank you" echoing through the rows. He held them in great rapture, they hung on every word, confident that he will deliver to them entitlements and prosperity.

It was history I watched in amazement and horror. For charismatic men have come before, they have beguiled and captivated the masses and then enslaved them. So will it be this time...if Barack Obama is elected.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Georgia On My Mind...

Where is our humanitarian press denouncing Russia's "illegal" invasion of former Soviet republic, Georgia? A press quick, so quick, to criticize our military and government over the last five years over the Iraq/GWOT, has been not-surprisingly silent on Russia's intentions in the region. I have some firsthand knowledge and experience in the region myself. Having visited Tbilisi last spring. It is a beautiful country, mountainous and green. And boy do they love the U.S. In fact the highway which connects Tbilisi international airport with downtown is named "George W. Bush Highway". Beyond their affection for us, they are our allies. Not only for strategic reasons, but for their support of our actions in Iraq. Common sense easily shows that a former Soviet state that is now a strong ally cannot be left to stand alone against post-modern, Russian aggression. In this writer's opinion, two avenues present themselves to the Pentagon and Dept. of State. One: gain support from Western European allies, i.e. Sarkozy, and maintain a hard line when it comes to diffusing the conflict. In reference to diplomatic efforts, minimal concessions should be given by the West and Georgia itself because, again Russia is the aggressor. At the same time, at least two Carrier battle groups should be parked in the Eastern Mediterranean, or even in the Black Sea if Turkey wants to be on our good side again. During talks ask for, nay demand withdrawal of all Russian troops from Georgia, save peace-keeping forces in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Quick note, Poland's approval of missile defense set in their country is a huge, yet under reported victory for George Bush in the region. Two: aid and support through our CIA and special operations (green berets/force recon) a protracted, quasi-guerrilla war against the invading Russian army. As was stated above, Georgia is a mountainous region, which as we know from Afghanistan lends itself to balancing the odds between a large, force army and an insurgency. The size, strength, and sustainability of the "Red Army" has suffered throughout post-Soviet Russia, especially during the Putin years. And Georgia is better trained and better equipped than an '80's era Northern Alliance. The former tactic lends itself to regional stability, but opens the way for a new "Cold-War". The latter may be more desirable for Russia to lose face on the international scene, although it would not be difficult to realize the instability, i.e. higher oil prices, which would come from a drawn out regional conflict.

Bottom Line: President Bush needs to put up a strong front diplomatically along with militarily. And remember when it comes to posturing, subtlety is the key. Georgia, along with its neighbors (Ukraine, etc.), needs to see that they are our allies for a reason.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Economics 101 by Dr. T

I've always been a thinker and when I'm faced with an issue I analyze it. To me, most things have a progression...a beginning, a middle and an end. Take our government for instance. As I've often said, it began with the sacrifices of a handful of thinkers. Men who understood that humankind strives for freedom and self awareness. They understood that true liberty cannot survive the stranglehold of big government. So the framers set out to fashion a federal government that would be limited in its scope, thus allowing the states greater oversight, for there is where the people reside. Sadly, our federal government has grown to epic proportions, like a tumor feeding on itself, it's become huge and ugly and destructive. We have reached that critical juncture where something has to give. Either the people restrain the government or America as we know it will soon cease to exist. We will be given over to a socialist structure that will destroy the unique dream that was America. The modern day Democratic Party has been taken over by leftist, marxist, environmentalist radicals who believe in wealth re-distribution. They rail against capitalism and look with scorn upon industrial giants whose businesses prosper. These Neanderthals don't understand that providing goods and services that the population needs or desires to have, is the basis of a healthy economy. To them the Vanderbilts, Carnegies and Rockefellers of the world were evil and greedy. Yet were it not for these daring entrepreneurs we would still be living in an agrarian society. They blame "big oil" for our energy crisis. Well I've got a news flash for them, there is no energy crisis, it's all smoke and mirrors, a sham perpetrated by the Congress. We should have begun drilling our own resources in the 1970s. Instead, each year we purchased more and more oil from foreign sources. While it may have been cheaper to import it at that time, no one was being proactive and looking ahead. That said, it's not too late to remedy the situation. We have enough oil deposits to keep us in gasoline for the next 200 years, yet our Congress has denied drilling. Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker, has stuck her finger in our collective eye. Let me be clear, there is no shortage and contrary to the musings of Harry Reid, oil does not make us sick. He,on the other hand, makes me sick. Oil is no different than any other commodity. Corn, wheat, rice, copper, silver, coal, we grow, we reap, we mine, we drill and we sell the final product...this is commerce...why suddenly is oil different? It begs the question, why have we let them tell us it's different? All around me I see my fellow citizens suffering and it's maddening to me because we are being denied a remedy. The last corporation I worked for, before going off on my own, has just announced that a huge downsizing is at hand. Some 240 jobs will be lost, many friends of mine will be affected. I live in a rural area, this company is the 2nd largest employer here...these layoffs will devestate the community. The blame rests no place other than at Congress's feet.

Now, I have to believe that we citizens would elect representatives smart enough to understand economics 101, as explained briefly above. So if we are to believe that they understand, why are they bent on ruining our economy? Nancy Pelosi told us why on national TV. She wants to "save the planet." This is where logical thought (me) and irrational thought(her) part ways. The planet was around billions of years before we mere mortals laid our first imprint on its terrain and the planet will be around billions of years after our last imprint turns to dust. The planet has withstood far more destruction than we humans can ever visit upon it. Only Nancy Pelosi and her ilk are arrogant enough to believe that they have the power to influence the planet. Should we be mindful of our envoronment? Of course. Since the 1970s we have more regulations in place than any country on earth. Our emissions standards, industrial waste management and energy conservation plans rival the world. There is always room for improvement and we strive to do more, but the radical agenda that the Democrats have been roped into pushing by leftist lobbying groups that they are beholden to is becoming our undoing.

I'm all for exploring other sources of energy; solar, nuclear, wind, but, by God let us partake of the natural resources we abundantly have. Lets get on with it...lets DRILL!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

On Vacation! by Dr. T

We are witnessing a modern day "tea party", finally the masses have had enough and they are letting their voices be heard. All around the country people are calling their representatives and letting them know that something must be done about our energy crisis. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her band of merry men have hijacked us citizens and in essence, this crisis is their doing. She has willfully and deliberately denied a straight up and down vote on a bill that will allow off shore drilling of our own resources. We have deposits that could keep us in barrels of crude for the next 200 years and yet we are still held captive to our enemies and at a price of over $4.00 a gallon for gasoline.

Currently, there are a handful of Republican Representatives sitting in the "House". Technically, there should be no formal business going on because the Speaker has closed it down, announcing that there will be no vote, sending everyone on a five week paid vacation. In the meantime, the people she was elected to represent suffer the consequences. It is an abomination! But this handful of Republicans are calling for Nancy Pelosi and the rest of Congress to return to the house chamber and vote. Citizens are sitting in the chamber as support and all around the country folks are clamoring for a resolution.

For those of you who, like myself, have obligations here at home, do your part by calling the switchboard at the House of Representatives and ask them to connect you to the Speaker's office. The number is 202 224-3121. Demand that she and the other members of Congress return and do their duty. Callthe White House too; the President needs to take the gloves off...the people are suffering.