Friday, September 05, 2008

Charles K's Argument Makes No Sense...

Charles Krauthammer argues today, in his article on, that because of Gov. Sarah Palin's perceived lack of experience it is now, almost, hypocritical to attack Sen. Obama's lack of experience. He writes, "Palin fatally undermines this entire line of attack", and "...with Palin, the case against Obama evaporates". Well someone forgot to tell the liberals. It is not the conservatives who think that Gov. Palin lacks experience, it is the MSM. Sen. Obama's underlings now think they have ammunition against the McCain-Palin ticket, that is similar to the ammo we have had throughout the presidential race. How come Charles K. does not write about the undermining by Obama of liberal attacks on Palin? Is it the novelty? It may not be known. Everyone has heard the arguments and the speeches about Gov. Palin's executive experience and in my opinion that argument must remain. Logic, simple logic shows that Gov. Palin's experience trumps Obama's lack of experience. This point needs to be harped on, and conservative pundits and commentators need to keep banging away to prove the point.

Krauthammer further tries to negate Palin's pro's, by describing them as, "the paucity of any Palin record or expressed conviction on the major issues of our time". We know her record, it has been spoken of for a week. The mere fact that Gov. Palin is in fact a Governor, is example enough for me. She has been hawkish on energy, tough on ethics, pro-life, and steeped in conservative-friendly reform. And for a specific example look at today's Wall Street Journal. Mr. Krauthammer's article makes no sense, because of someone else's perception, it negates our reality?


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