Friday, January 23, 2009

Stand by to stand by

I am taking a small leave of absence to travel around the world over the next few weeks, and to do some much needed research. This writer shall return. But until then, a would a Republican politician benefit from agreeing and capitulating with the opposition when it does not matter which side they agree with?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'd like to Give Credit by Dr. T

I'm the fairest person I honest as the day is long, couldn't lie if my life depended on it. I will give credit where credit is due, even if the player isn't on my team. The problem is....there is no credit to go around, realistically or figuratively(so far the banks haven't loosened a cent). It's President Obama's first day on the job and I sure do want to give him some leeway...he can't solve all our problems at once, even though his Inaugural speech sounded that way. He did send up a draft to close Guantanamo, and I'll be darned if Mr. Murtha didn't volunteer to take the detainees in. Sure must give a warm & fuzzy to his constituants in western PA. Actually, after he directly insulted them by calling them "racist", I've got to believe they are brain dead anyway. Perhaps Mr. Murtha will truly be magnanimous and have these folks stay with him? After all, he said there's nothing to worry about. You'll excuse me if I don't extend any credit to Mr. Murtha or to the people of western PA(they re-elected him).

Now on to those pesky confirmation hearings. Timothy Geithner was on the "hot seat" today...he was grilled and fileted by the committee(ahem), he was forced to admit that he "made a mistake" but certainly not "intentionally." I'm sure the IRS would be just as benevolent if I had a "hiccup" and forgot to file my taxes. You see, folks, I'm an independent contractor just like Mr. Geithner, and every quarter Uncle Sam gets a sizeable check in estimated taxes from me. I'd be squashed like a bug in record time if that check went missing. So you'll excuse me if I don't extend any credit to Mr. Geithner.

Last but not least...the disgusting, disgraceful attacks against George Bush continued right through his last day. Clearly we have lost civility. Folks in the crowd were heard booing and making derogatory comments as the former First Couple made their way to their seats at the Inauguration. No President is perfect, but this one kept us safe for seven years after 9/11...At one of the Inaugural balls some rappers sang obscene lyrics aimed at Mr. Bush. President Bush endured horrendous attacks throughout his entire tenure. The bombs were thrown by the press(who clearly had an agenda), by the Hollywood elites(who clearly had an agenda), by the Democrats (who clearly had an agenda) and by ingnorant citizens. So today I have no credit to dole out, only pity at how far we've sunk.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


No offense to the incoming President, but I could give a darn about your inauguration festivities. Just as I did not give a darn about the past six President's festivities who have been inaugurated in my lifetime. As to the upwards of 2 million visitors to the capitol today, I have one question. It is the Tuesday after a three day weekend, why are you people not at work? No wonder our economy is in the crapper.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give me the Money or Else by Dr. T

If nothing else, the Democratic party is always good theater. Especially over the past few weeks as Inauguration Day approaches. What with the Blago scandal which threatens to encompass more and more players, many close to Obama, to sketchy maneuvers by his cabinet appointees, the president-elect is having his share of "distractions". But for all the hoopla, make no mistake, all his appointees, even the one who had a memory lapse for paying taxes, will be confirmed. The hearings are theater...that's all. It's a green light all the way for Obama and know this, if the president-elect doesn't get what he wants...he will pull an ace from the deck. He has already threatened to use the "veto" if the next round of TARP money isn't delivered pronto. Never mind that constituents are clamoring for accountability after the first $350 billion went who knows where? So some congressional types are actually asking questions in an attempt to appease the masses and now they have been told by Mr. Obama that they are expected to comply. I have no doubt that everyone will walk in lockstep - after all, who wants to dampen the greatest day in our entire history? January 20th looms...the next four years will be very interesting.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Transition to end all Transitions by Dr. T

On January 20th Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of these United States. We know the protocol, we've witnessed it time and time again. However, this transition will be more significant as it will mark a distinct change in the direction of the country. While left-thinking politicians have existed almost from the start and socialist ideas have been on the periphery, this president-elect will attempt to bring these concepts to the fore. If he is successful, America as we have known it will be forever changed. I have talked often about the wisdom of the Founders, about how they sacrificed everything to bring forward a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The Founders understood that true freedom exists when people are left to their own devices with little interference from government. Sadly, over the decades, the concept of a small central government has gone by the way and the federal government has become an ever growing cancer sapping the lifeblood from the citizens. Barack Obama is a socialist who believes in huge government, he will ensnare the people with promises of entitlements but in the end our freedom will be curtailed. We are in very precarious times, our economic stability is near collapse, our deficits are huge. This is the result of mismanagement in all sectors; from the government to Wall Street, the folks at the helm have been out of control. Years of prosperity have led to recklessness and greed. In a nutshell..."no one was minding the store". The economic downturn has provided the perfect opportunity for Obama and the majority party to infiltrate the private sector. This is dangerous as it dilutes the free market system our country has operated and prospered under. The so-called bail-outs (our money of course)allow the government to become a partner in private enterprise. This has failed throughout the world(eg Venezuela, Russia, China). The government will institute more regulation, more caveats, more restriction, this will in turn force businesses to close or move off shore, further depleting the job pool. The middle class Obama professes to want to help will collapse under the strain of higher taxes and unemployment. While he vows to create 4.1 million jobs through an enormous stimulus package he will bankrupt us for generations to come. More government is not the should be survival of the fittest...if corporations are mismanaged, if they cannot compete, they should be allowed to fail...such is the way of Capitalism.