Same Old..Same Old by Dr T
The speech, however, is worth analyzing. The President echoed many of the same points he used in the 2010 speech; building infrastructure, better education, clean energy. Funny, I thought his giant stimulus was supposed to address these very things. Now he wants to "invest" more. He still doesn't get it...we don't have the money! He wants to "freeze" spending...he still doesn't get it. We need to go way beyond freezing current spending levels, we need to cut, cut, cut. He talked about investing in future energy, calling oil out as "yesterdays energy." Here we are sitting on massive reserves of oil and he's pushing electric cars.
He reminded us that we are the country of innovation by citing Edison. Did he forget he's banned the incandescent bulb? Now he wants to grow jobs. Where has he been the last two years?
In a word, the speech was "flat". He may be a good orator but there was no true passion. When he praises America, I don't believe him. Barack Obama wants to be re-elected so for now he may be "pivoting" but when he lands he will still be left of center.