Hail The Dictator- in-Chief by Dr. T
So there it is...it's all you need to know. I have said from the time this man was campaigning that he is no supporter of "the American Way". Every now and then the facade gets thin and the real Obama emerges. But frankly, the statement above should not surprise anyone with a brain larger than, say, Joe Biden. This President has circumvented our laws over and over again. He shoved Obamacare down our throats and the courts are ruling that it is unconstitutional. He refuses to abide by the immigration laws that are on the books and to add insult to injury, he threatens States with lawsuits if they abide by those very laws. He has spent us into oblivion because he hates business and has a skewed ideology that resembles Europe, not the U.S. He is not Presidential material as evidenced by his never-ending finger pointing and whining. In spite of what he says, the economic disaster was not caused by acts of God, unrest in the Arab world, George Bush or the Tea Party....it was caused by failed policies put forth by a Congress and an administration that is anti business and anti growth.
He is frighteningly reminiscent of the Roman Emperor Nero. Becuase Rome was for centuries the epicenter of the world, Nero took his eye off the ball. He played and indulged himself and as they say...fiddled while Rome burned around him. America had better wake up or our fate will be the same. We have long been the epicenter of the world but we have not kept our eye on what the Washington elites have been doing for nearly 60 years. Liberalism took hold within the hallowed halls of Washington and within our educational facilities. Rugged individualism was replaced by out of control entitlements and overreaching regulations. Banks and mortgage companies have run amok often because of bad governement decisions. With our unemployment at well over 9.2% our Secretary of Agriculture has recently pronounced that food stamps are actually a stimulus to the economy. A prime example of the mentality of this administration. Our President is content to play golf and take an unprecedented number of vacations. Oh yes, he promises to reveal another stimulus plan once Congress returns to Washington in September.
Fiddle anyone?