At times even the most intellectual being gets caught up in the minutia that is world events. Opinions roar and ideas wane at different times and at set intervals. To this end I venture to put forward three important tasks for our government to undertake in the near future. With the benefit of hindsight, one can look to our past as a basis of valuable and important endeavors for the betterment of our country. These tasks being in the realm of international politics, and through international diplomacy or action a more peaceful future can be better guaranteed.
1) From the Arctic Cirlce to Tierra del Fuego, a region of hemispheric free trade needs to be initiated. Beyond NAFTA and even CAFTA, an agreement between our regional, continental neighbors, being as economically relevant as Monroe was politically sound with his doctrine, a treaty needs to be instituted. Whereas freedom in commerce may bring with it freedom's natural allowance. Perceived openess to our exports by some means delaying with country's whose labor standards are not as ideal as ours. In and of itself being bad enough for some to oppose such an agreement. As an argument against those opposed, asking a society to avoid the progression we ourselves have gone through makes little sense and creates a too, long awaited level of minimum adherence. A further supportive argument in favor of such an intiative, would be the lesser intended benefit of curbing illegal immigration. Call it the idea of, "a rising tide...". Prosperity and the freedom that such prosperity is partnered with, alleviates the need for a search for home beyond one's borders. Entreprenuerism and the freedom to pursue such, builds in a society a desire for betterment.
2) A novel approach needs to be undertaken with an as yet unrealized fellow "super power". In terms of population this country is the larget in the world. Pair that with its contemporary ascendence up the economic food-chain, and curing the issue that is China needs a pro-active rather than reactive undertaking. One portion of this novel approach is not novel by definition in that it has been a staple of our international diplomacy for years. That portion being the backing of a free and support of a democratic Taiwan. Another step toward a lessening of power policy would be the creation of a dissident culture in the world of public opinion and press. Dissidence in the former Soviet state and accompanying Eastern Bloc, i.e. Walesa, Scholtzyneitsen, etc. was a powerful tool in swinging negative perception. The novelty in this approach would be an idea of supporting religious groups, whose activities are not even legal presently, who desire a freedom that as Americans we are beginning to take for granted. The freedom to worship and by any means practice as such can and has been a powerful force on behalf of the cause of liberty.
3) A continent behind walls of famine and destitution is almost unimaginable to the modern mind. Be they beyond third-worldly, inhabitants of Africa reside on a continent laden with natural resources which can almost not be conceived. Billions spent in aid, lives lost in tribal struggles has led to, finally after decades, the idea that a new response to the same problems be instituted. Moneys laid out for improvement must be contingent upon certain behavioral minimums. Unlike the left, with their racist goal of limiting pro-creation, our goals must be substantial in that they are measured in lives saved not minimized.
Behavioral being the key word, in that the AIDS pandemic in present-day Africa has a behavioral component. Epidemiological, quantifiable data gathering must be at the forefront of any rational battle against the threat of AIDS in Africa. It cannot be ideological, meaning the results of any data must be substantiated and used in the action for behavioral change. More clearly stated, if the results make apparent the idea that another factor than sexual habits is leading the spread, then that behavior must be made known to the masses. To the point, a logical, fact-based response to the pandemic must be undertaken for the future of a prosperous continent which will in turn be postive for our nation in the long run.
Secondly, seeing that
Secretary Rice has finally made the aims of our administration known on Egyptian soil, the idea that aid from our country is contingent upon the existence of Democracy must be expanded throughout the African continent. Zimbabwe, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, along with Egypt need to be given ultimatums along the same lines as Lybia, which by the way is not free and clear just yet.
These three iniatives being outside the focus of the mainstream mindset. These are ideas to keep in mind in the longview, having realized Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea are in the forefront. Lastly an idea to ponder is the eventual demise of Castro and the future of that hemispheric neighbor.