Thursday, February 26, 2009

HOLY @#$%!!!

Vote for the most liberal member of Congress and what do you expect? Business friendly bills meant to further our capitalist system? Yeah right. Over the last couple of weeks we have become all too familiar with the word trillion. That's right, TRILLION. One thousand billion, quick aside...If I were in the prediction business I would bet that by the end of Obama's presidency we will here the term quadrillion. Anyway, cap and trade, higher taxes on businesses, less to itemize, lower charitable giving, assault weapons ban, fairness doctrine, bank nationalization, card check, and let us not forget about a Portuguese water dog. And that is just this week. If it is anyway possible, this is worse than I thought. Please forgive me I am just venting. We may not be in a depression, but I am depressed. Less funding for the military might have something to do with it. Include the government taking away any incentive to excel, succeed, obtain wealth, etc. Somebody better have some good ideas and quick...comrades.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Powerful words and Great Delivery by Dr. T

There is no doubt that President Obama is an eloquent and powerful speaker. I watched his speech and though I am no fan, I'm also not a fool...the man can deliver an exceptional speech. In fact this speech was more powerful, in my opinion, than his "inaugural speech".

When I say that I am no fan, it is not because I dislike the President personally, it is that I dislike his ideology. In this evening's speech he touched on all the problems we face: economics, education, health care and energy. He spoke of how his economic recovery plan, along with his budget proposal, would address and correct these deficiencies. He spoke of foreclosure relief, relief for the high cost of college tuition, the need for renewable energy. He talked about not abandoning our automobile industry, about creating 3.5 million jobs, about incentives for teachers. It seemed as though there was a solution for everything that ails us. The problem I have is that the so-called solutions were not explained. The President didn't disclose how all this would be accomplished. What are the specifics in either the 729 billion dollar recovery plan that is now law, or the proposed budget that will put us back on track? The President talked about the need to cut the deficit and he promised to do so by half by the end of his first term. I'm no economist, but with the enormous spending bill he just passed I don't see how this is remotely possible.

This evening I was impressed with President Obama's words, he spoke a lot about restoring America. But in the end, actions speak louder than words, it will be interesting to see if he delivers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm No Sheep by Dr. T

I've been chastised verbally and in print about the fact that I should stand by the President. That WE ALL should stand by the President. This is flawed thinking and you can count me out. I will not be a sheep who just follows blindly along. It is precisely because I love my country that I will rail against any President or any administration and party that stands to jeopardize it.

I respect the office of the President and if I were to meet President Obama I certainly would respect him as a holder of that office. But, I am a thinker and if I disagree with the ideology and or policies that are being adapted I will exercise my first amendment right to present a counter opinion. President Obama has been in office just 30 days and in that short amount of time he has rushed to have a stimulus package pushed through without our representatives having had time to read it. Mr. Obama promised us transparency but the bill which will be paid for by us, our children and their children, was not made available to the public until AFTER it was passed. Sorry, but this does not give me a warm & fuzzy. The bill is now being savaged by many economists that predict it will do little to help the American people as most of the spending is slated for 2010 and beyond. Most of the spending is also geared toward fattening up the government even more, with ever expanding entitlements and more government workers. There is a tremendous amount of pork being spent on pet projects, ie. business as usual. The Republican plan would have spent far less money and initiated more jobs for the private sector, but it wasn't even considered. So much for bi-partisanship. Anyone who doesn't see this as a power grab has their head in the sand. We had welfare reform, Mr. Obama is bringing welfare back. He also is insisting that banks that didn't ask for bail out money must take it, but with strings attached. This is a concerted effort to nationalize the banking system. I would remind you that if the government didn't mandate that banks give loans to folks who couldn't afford them we wouldn't be in this mess. So now the very people who got us in trouble are attempting to ride in on the white horse and save us.

Give your brain a workout...think things you really think this happened by accident or by design????

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Dictator's Guide to Socialization by Dr. T

The United States of America is rapidly becoming the United Socialist States of America. Believe it or not, the conversion from liberty to tyranny is easier than you may think.

Here is a dictator's guide:

1. Become an eloquent speaker. Mesmerize the masses with beautifully stated platitudes. (invest in a teleprompter)

2. Evoke the musings of past Lincoln, FDR, JFK. Vow to remake the country.

3. Pour on the "scare tactics"...use verbiage like "catastrophe" and "disaster". In so doing you will prop yourself up as the last great hope for the country's survival.

4. Wine and dine the opposition. Invite them to lavish lunches and super bowl parties. Pretend to listen to their points of view, then squelch any counter- proposals.

5. Promise an ethical and transparent administration then appoint a cabinet rife with cheaters and have them set policy that contradicts the Constitution.

6. Demonize big business but send them bail out money with a list of caveats that will force them to "partner with the government".

7. Form the coziest of alliances with the mainsteam media and attempt to silence through legislation opposing points of view, your first step in repealing the first amendment.

8. Expand huge entitlement programs that will enslave the masses and keep them voting for you and your party.

9. Promise everyone universal health care but don't bore them with the ugly detail that their care, or lack thereof, will now be determined by the government.

10. Raise taxes on ammunition and require purchasers to register in a national database. Your first step in repealing the 2nd amendment.

11. Remind the world that you are a "global citizen" and that you will restore America's tarnished image. And by all means, make your first official appearance as Commander in Chief on Arab TV.

Follow these directives and the "liberty grab" will be complete, you will have created the United Socialist States of America.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Know Your History by Dr. T

It's very easy to deceive people when they don't know history. Most Americans don't realize that the individual states have more power than the federal government. The Founders knew that a bloated central government over time would lead to tyranny, so through the Constitution, the Framers put a mechanism in place that would restrain an oppresive regime. Unfortunately, as time marched on, the states began to relinquish their power and ultimately there came a serious reversal of the power structure. With the federal government confiscating more and more of the taxpayers' money it soon was able to control the states by controlling the purse strings. In light of our current fiscal crisis(much of which can be blamed on the government)I have recently learned that approximately 24 states have begun a campaign through resolution initiatives to "remind" Congress that they reside in Washington at the behest of the American people. I pray it is not too little too late and that more states come on board so that we can reclaim a government that is truly of the people, by the people and for the people.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Someone Has Ethics by Dr. T

What an amazing contrast. America's true hero, US Airlines pilot "Sully" Sullenberger actually took the time to inform his library that a book he was reading went down to the bottom of the Hudson River on flight 1549. He wondered what he owed them, this incredible person who bravely and with amazing precision saved the lives of 155 people aboard that flight.

Now contrast that example of a person of character and integrity with the likes of our elected and appointed officials in government. The latest crook, Tom Daschle is out there apologizing for his error in not paying $140,000 in taxes. At the rate this is going, we may be able to stimulate the economy through the back taxes collected from the appointees of the most ethical and transparent adminisitration we've ever had.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

With My Last Breath by Dr. T

Until my country becomes the United Socialist States of America, I will speak out against this and any administration that tries to restructure this nation. Until I'm assigned a number and an arm band I will rail against those who attempt to savage the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Our Founding Fathers knew the perils of a large central government and because they knew, they gave greater power to the states. It makes perfect sense to have the states make decisions because it is within them that the people reside.

Though our new President ran as a centrist, anyone taking the time to examine his background knows that he is a liberal with very socialist leanings. This has been reinforced through his choice of cabinet members.

While President Obama claims to be for the 2nd ammendment, he appoints Eric Holder as his Attorney General. Holder has recently written a brief claiming that the second ammendment DOESN'T protect an individual right to keep and bear arms. The President appoints Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State; she is vehmently anti-gun and will now be in a position to influence other nations in an attempt to promote a global gun-ban treaty. The President's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel was President Clinton's pit bull in endeavoring to legislate gun control.

Already there are bills afloat which will drive the price of ammunition to astronomical levels and will require purchasers to register to a government database. The President wants to expand the list of firearms to be banned; his Vice President,Joe Biden wrote the assault weapons ban. So...Am I really supposed to believe that President Obama is a proponent of the 2nd ammendment?

This is just the first of many "liberty grabs" in the works that will change the landscape of America. The socialization of our healthcare is in the works, along with the nationalization of our banks and so called partnerships with private enterprise. If the citizenry is not diligent, if we do not pay attention, it's not just our guns that will be confiscated but our individual freedoms as well.