Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama vs Cheney...No Contest by Dr. T

Funny how when former Presidents Carter and Clinton and former Vice President Gore traveled the world lambasting then sitting President George Bush, there was no outcry that they should be discouraged from speaking out. Yesterday, former Vice President Dick Cheney defended his administration’s enhanced interrogation tactics and in so doing was resoundingly criticized. Kudos to his daughter Liz for taking on the CNN hack, Anderson Cooper, who tried in every conceivable way to trip her up. She knew the policies and the law and made a strong case to the American people. Cooper was left twisting in the wind as he tried to tie water boarding to Abu Ghraib among other distortions. The bottom line is that President Obama is weakening our national security by pardon the pun, watering down our interrogation tactics. As Mr. Cheney explained, we used water boarding on three terrorists, one being Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11. For seven and a half years we have been safe because of decisions made by the Bush administration. There are memos which clearly prove that valuable information was gleaned which saved thousands of American lives, yet President Obama refuses to de-classify them. If this President, who promised transparency, is to b e true to his word, he should release this information to the American public and allow them to decide. Instead he made a speech at the National Archives where he criticized the Bush adminsitration no less than 28 times and promised to do away with harsh interrogation tactics.

The President, ever beholden to the “left”, is still prepared to close Gitmo without a clear cut plan for where these haters will be housed though he seems to have no problem with the prospect of holding them somewhere within the United States. It’s a sad day when the safety and the will of the American people is compromised for political gain. We’ve only ourselves to blame if we do not express our concerns to our representatives. Too many people have forgotten the horror of 9/11, I have not and never will. We are at war with an enemy that can only be gleeful as it watches us fighting among ourselves, accusing each other of lying and for all intents leaving ourselves weak and vulnerable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were talking about all the torture practices not just waterboarding. The torture practices from Gitmo certainly are tied to Abu Ghraib whether or not water boarding specifically was used there.

Cheney did not demonstrate an knowledge of the law, policies or facts. She made broad dismissals with nothing factual to back them up. She dismissed all the supreme court decisions finding the Bush administrations policies illegal with "I don't agree with those decisions". How is that a counter argument or relevant. She didn't even say WHY she didn't agree or demonstrate any understanding of the legal principles. She's not a legal scholar. That the decisions are inconvenient to her and she doesn't WANT them is not the same as a decision being incorrect legally.

Fri May 22, 02:14:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just the fact that you have to spit out the phrase "enhanced interrogation practices" when what these sadists did was flat out torture by any historical or legal measure, proves how vacuous your sputtering is.

And they tortured to try to connect Saddam Hussein to Al Quaida and thus cover their ass, not to "keep us safe". Cheney lied for eight years, and lied in nearly every sentence of his nutjob, fearmongering speech. It's been fact checked, look it up.

And what the hell does Liz freaking Cheney know? Why can't Daddy try to defend himself someplace other than Fox "news"? Because his excuses don't stand up to scrutiny.

Conservatives like you and Cheney, are chickenhawk coward punks, afraid of the Constitution and the Law, peeing their pants at the thought of the big bad terrorists. You disgust me.

Fri May 22, 06:08:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Donnie said...

Dr. T, Great article on your part. Seems like these two nutjobs on the Left really don't care about the safety of the United States of America. Also, they no doubt don't care about our Service Men and Women, but just look on Memorial Day as a day to have off Work and to party. My old saying is that if it takes Waterboarding to save on life of an Ameican Service Person or for that fact, any REAL AMERICAN, then do it, if you want me to do it, please call. I would have no quams about doing it.

What do you think ZERO would do if the enemy had his two Daughters and the only way to find out who they were and where they were located, would be by Waterboarding, do you really think he would say NO. I doubt it.

Waterboarding, you live to see another day. But now if one of ours has their heads cut off, that is ok to these left wing wacko's. Daniel Pearl, did not live to see another day.

All I can say is I am Proud to be an AMERICAN, but not proud of you left wing wacko's that really want the United States of America to become the Socialist States of America. You people make me sick.

Thanks Dr. T for a fantastic article again, keep up the good work.


Sun May 24, 07:24:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

I can see that as an "Obamafont" you would listen with rapt attention to his speech, however, your irrational hatred of the last administration caused you to misinterrpret Mr.Cheney's speech. Last I checked panties on someone's head didn't constitute torture. The extracting of fingernails, pulling of teeth, electrodes to the testicles, now THAT'S what I call TORTURE! Wrong thinking folks like you and the President don't have the stones to protect and defend the citizens of this country, you don't have a clue of what war is. If this administration was in power during WWII, we'd all be speaking German. God help us if we are struck again because of this administration's "limp wristerd" policies. As more buildings collapse, will your moral superiority sustain you? In the meantime, perhaps you'll consider inviting the first terrorist released from Gitmo to your home.

Mon May 25, 12:56:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, just like I thought, "Dr. T" and his "REAL AMERICAN" buttboy Donnie are chickenhawk coward punks just like 5 deferment Cheney and AWOL Bush. Wouldn't know a word from the Constitution if it bit them on the ass.

And by the way, I put 20 in. That's alot of Memorial days without a party in sight. So STFU, crybaby REAL AMERICAN chickenhawk punk. Go hide under your bed, I think I hear a terrorist. BOO!

Mon May 25, 08:57:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how all the fat republican loudmouths who never served - Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Cheney, Rove, O'Reilly, etc. plus the douchebag running this site and his boyfriend "Donny" - get all badass about torture and who's got "stones", and what war is like, like they would actually know.

Dr. Douchebag & friend then (from behind their mighty keyboards) portray those who don't worship Saint Ronny and the Moron from Texas, as weak and anti-american, despite the fact that many of said non-republicans actually took the oath to defend our Constitution like, for real.

Well that just tells me all I need to know.

Mon May 25, 11:39:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

I salute you for your 20 year service but can't figure out what went wrong along the way. Between family and friends I have surrounded myself with military folks all my life. You certainly have the right to disagree but your comments disintegrate to name calling. I've addressed the facts, we are at war with an enemy hellbent on destroying us. I would think your military training would have put you ahead of the curve on this.

Oh and by the way "Dr. T" happens to be a woman!

Tue May 26, 10:37:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Donnie said...

Dr. T,

Isn't it just like these, I won't call them People, show their real colors by using fowl language and calling us TRUE AMERICANS dirty names. They are just like Clinton, and Carter, after leaving office, or while in office Calling President of another party names.

I don't remember President Kennedy demeaning other Presidents, I don't remember Presidents Bush lowering themselves to that level.

Yet the first things out of the mouths of DemoRATS is to use fowl language and words that I would not be proud to use to my family or friends. Their remarks show show how low life they are. Notice Dr. T, I didn't use any fowl language in my response.

And I know how Patriotic your Husband and I are pertaing to supporting our troops and looking forward to putting the United States of America back to the condition that the founding fathers set it to be.

All these anonymous commenters to the left can do is, just what all left leaning commenters can do, is try to tear down the country to make it a Socialist States of America, I for one, will not allow this to happen. Oh, and by the way, I will once again state my name as I am not ashamed of my Conservative views, or of my Country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I flew my flag yesterday, as I do every day, what do you think that they did, no doubt only partied and continued to berate the Military and the United States of Ameirca.

Oh, and by the way, many of my family, including myself have served and are presently serving in the Military, to protect and defend the United States of America and give those to the left the freedom to use their fowl language against us.


Tue May 26, 10:46:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Hubble said...

"Chickenhawk coward punks..." "nutjob..." "Afraid of the Constitution and the Law.." "peeing in their pants at the thought of the big bad terrorists..." "STFU..." Wow, Anonymous, that's a really intelligent argument. Unfortunately, it's about what we've come to expect from liberals these days. But it is you liberals that are afraid of the Constitution, not us. Why else would you try to change it and circumvent it with the courts? As for the terrorists, we understand that they are out to kill us. I don't know if you lost any friends or relatives in the 9/11/01 attacks, but I did. I don't want to see that happen on our soil again. If waterboarding one or a thousand of the Islamofascist vermin prevents another attack on our citizens, I'm all for it. I don't care what it takes to defend our Country. So Anonymous, if you want to debate facts, fine. If you just want to call people names, then I have a few that I'd like to call you. But I'm a gentleman. I, for one, do not believe that you "put in 20." At least, not in the Military. Most veterans that I know have much more class that you've demonstrated.

Tue May 26, 03:03:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Donnie said...

To Hubble,

Thanks you for your comment to the Anonymous liberals. Yes you are correct that we do have class compared to these people. There is no need to use language like that on this blog. I know both Daedalus and Dr. T., neither of them would ever use that kind of language here. It reads like you are of the same mindset as us.

I am scared to death that our country as I have known it for some 69 years is changing in a way that may take many decades to correct. I know that these liberals want to see a Socialist States of America. Socialism doesnot work, never has, and never will. All they want is handouts from the government.

The government is supposed to be there to listen to us, not us listen to them. I know that I will not be around to see the downfall of the United States of America, maybe I am the lucky one I have those thoughts everyday listening and watching what the left is saying.

May God help this great nation of ours, and somehow help us to make the correct change in 2012.

Thanks again for a great comment.


Like you and Dr. T, I am not afraid to use my name and not post a comment as Anonymous. Thats the way they are, they use Language that shows their true colors and hatred of the United States of America

Tue May 26, 10:50:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You wingnuts are so seriously twisted by your Authoritarian Personality Disorder it is almost beyond belief. Listen to yourselves. Have you retained any capacity for self-examination or critical thinking at all? You are defending torturers. War criminals. But salty language, well that's over the line. Unbelievable.

Since you all were too horrified by my "fowl" language (?) or too busy calling me an unamerican-american hater-false american (or whatever) to actually attempt to rebut the facts I pointed out, I'm assuming you all are too far gone, or in Mr. "Fowl"'s case, too stupid to bother debating. But there are just a couple things I'd like to point out to you geniuses before I go. Maybe there's hope for you.

"No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture...Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law."

Convention Against Torture, Article II/IV, signed by Ronald Reagan

Not torture, you say? What did Major General Antonio Taguba - investigating Abu Ghraib for the US Army- say?

He said the Bush administration committed war crimes. "The Commander in Chief and those under him authorized a systematic regime of torture".

What about the Constitution? The thing all servicemembers (and Presidents) swear to protect and defend?

"The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances".

(ex parte milligan) US Supreme Court, 1866.

And don't get me started about Bush shitting on Amendments I, IV, V, VI, and VIII.

I guess my military training put me ahead of the curve.

Tue May 26, 11:06:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and "Hubble"- you're too stupid to debate, also. And I could really give a fuck what you believe.

Tue May 26, 11:32:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

The Constitution is systematically being diluted by leftists like yourself. I don't need you to quote the Constitution to me. I suspect you are a card carrying member of the ACLU..bound and determined to give constitutionl rights to illegal aliens and enemy combatants alike... Again, I ask, with all your great compassion for the poor mistreated terrorists...are you willing to take one into your home, sing him "Give Peace a Chance" and serve him tea? Pathetic!

Tue May 26, 11:32:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Hubble said...

Class, Anonymous, class. And by the way, the ex-parte Milligan decision had to do with the imposition of Martial Law where civilian courts preside. There's no imposition of martial law, just Military tribunals at Military bases. But then, you don't give a F--- what I think.

Tue May 26, 11:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

Guess these Anonymous folks don't get the pun...they're "bird-brains" naturally their language would be "fowl".

Wed May 27, 11:18:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

Anonymous, I can understand why you would get bent out of shape over the mere mention of Hannity, O'Reilley and Rush. Numbers don't lie,their ratings are through the roof. Air America went belly up because they couldn't carry on an intelligent conversation, they had to resort to name know all about that. MSNBC and the NY Times are in the toilet because of the rantings of their pitchmen.
Fox News, Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church and Mark Levine are getting the word out. And since you are clearly on the side of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, I'll borrow a phrase from Levine..."Get off the blog, you big dope"!

Wed May 27, 11:40:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dr. T", I certainly hope you are not a juris doctor. Or a medical doctor, for that matter.

This is the problem, folks, when all you do is listen to the morons spouting nonsense on the radio or Fox "news". You need to open a book or two, and start using your own mind.

Hubble, you're wrong, but at least you tried reading something, so I'll give you credit for that. Re-read ex parte Milligan and then try reading ex parte Quirin. This will lead you to Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. See how that works for you.

Dr. T, you got nothing. Look up "Red Herring", specifically "argumentum ad populum".

Fact: We are a nation of laws, not men. No man is above the law.

Fact: Torture is a violation of Federal Law and International Treaty. There are no mitigating factors.

Fact: Bush, Cheney & gang authorized systematic torture.

Fact: If an ordinary citizen violates the law, they are held accountable.

Fact: You are arguing that our political leaders are above the law and should not be held accountable. This idea is, I dare say, unamerican. In violation of the Constitution, which I swore to protect and defend. Which is why I am here, trying to talk sense to a bunch of morons.

Presidents, elected representatives, and servicemembers don't take an oath to protect YOUR worthless ass, they swear to protect the Constitution. Learn the difference.

I've had about enough of you fools.

Wed May 27, 06:34:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said... for me

Wed May 27, 11:28:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Hubble said...

The trouble with arguing with a fool is that passersby can't tell the difference. I have nothing more to say to you. Thank you for your comments. Have a nice life.

Wed May 27, 11:35:00 PM EDT  

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