Thursday, January 21, 2010

We're Coming For You by Dr. T

Tuesday’s victory in Massachusetts was a victory for the whole country. In an unprecedented election, in the “bluest” of states, the people of that commonwealth sent a message to Washington and to every state in the union. That message is, “We the People still matter”. Martha Coakley reflected the arrogance and entitlement of this administration and of Congress. As a member of the ruling party she thought she could just phone it in, after all, the Democrats had been in power for decades. Now as expected, the White House, in an effort to distance themselves from defeat, have thrown Coakley under the bus as they have done numerous times with others who have become liabilities. In fact, with predictions of her defeat so high, they actually began making excuses the day before the election.

This election should also serve as a wake up call for Republicans. If they want to take back the majority, they have some serious work to do. The town halls of the summer should have been a wake up call for both parties. The people are engaged, we are watching and we are coming for you. There will continue to be shenanigans for sure, but the curtain has been pulled back on the back door deals and unbridled power grabs.

The people of Massachusetts have my gratitude, for they have shown me and the rest of the citizenry that we are not powerless. The elected officials work for us, not the other way around and it’s about time they got the message.


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