Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let the Games Begin by Dr. T

So let's see...we have Iran with it's finger on "the button", we have Israel with its finger on "the button." We have the commander of our forces in Afghanistan asking for more troop support and our illustrious President went to Copenhagen to trycharming the officials into holding the Olympics in Chicago in 2016. Can you say "Screwed up priorities?" And by the way, it is clear that the world is not as charmed by Obama as he thinks...the nod went to Rio De Janerio.

It seems the President has only spoken to General Stanley McChrystal once in 70 days. Thousands of troops have died in this war and those deaths will surely be in vain if we don't send reinforcements in now. God knows what our landscape will look like by the time 2016 rolls around. In addition to the President's inattention to foreign policy at the most volatile of times, he and his administration along with the Congress are systematically dismantling American society as we know it. Friends and citizens, do you recognize "soft tyranny" when you see it? It has been upon us since the advent of political correctness. Now with the ushering in of this radical administration the aforementioned softness is becoming heavier and soon the yoke of statism will be upon us. This administration has run up unsustainable deficits, they've run up unemployment, caused the collapse of hundreds of small businesses through unreasonable regulation and taxation. They have in a word created "chaos". This is not accidental but by design. Once they have succeeded in totally collapsing the old America, they will create the new America. The irony is that the Democratic party propped up Obama, he was their guy and now that he is President he is slowly rendering the party impotent. How? By appointing over 40 czars who are accountable only to him. By doing so, he has circumvented the Congress and relegated them to mere figureheads. He will continue to strengthen the courts with radical judges who will legislate from the bench the agenda the President wants in place. Soon the executive branch will be all powerful, taking away the checks and balances put into place by our founders. These are not the rantings of a mad woman; if you are a thinker it is easy to connect the dots.

Social Security is on the brink of bankruptcy, Medicare is on the brink of bankruptcy, Amtrack, the post office and any other federally run program is in the red. Now the government proposes to take on health care. The people have made clear their disapproval, the latest poll shows 56% disapprove, still our so called representatives ignore us. Ronald Reagan warned us in the 1970s that socialism will make its way into our society through the take over of our health care. It all seems to be coming true at the same time that Europe has declared their socialism a failure.

Don't let it happen folks...keep the pressure on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, these ARE the rantings of a madwoman, recycling the tired lies she hears from her AM radio heroes and various Fox nutbags.
Have you ever had an original thought? If you really believe this crap, get help. Seriously.
"Connect the dots" LOL. Your a real prize, you are.

Thu Oct 08, 09:29:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dr. T said...

Well Well Anonymous, you just couldn't stay away...admit it, somewhere in the back of your pea brain you know I'm right!

So...welcome back!

Tue Oct 13, 02:35:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Hubble said...

Well, well, our friendly neighborhood leftie Kool-Aid drinker is back. haven't you swallowed enough of Chairman Maobama's garbage yet? You do know that his policies are hurting you, too, don't you? He's not going to leave you alone just because you agree with his socialist policies. Come on, leave the dark side. Come into the light with us.

Thu Oct 15, 11:55:00 PM EDT  

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