Saturday, August 29, 2009

An August For Our Times by Dr. T

Ah, the dog days of summer...contentious town halls...first amendment suppression...politician tax evasion...and congressional praise for Fidel Castro. And I was just hoping for a cool lemonade on the porch.

August 2009 has certainly been a recess our politicans will not soon forget. With the threat of HR3200 becoming law, the citizens have been making their voices heard in town halls across the country. They have also been burning up the phone lines and sending letters and e-mails to their representatives. The bottom line is ...this is a bad bill. Each day more details of the monstrous 1500 page bill are revealed. This bill goes beyond healthcare reform, for hidden in the almost undiscernible verbiage are unparalleled privacy grabs. Did you know that if this bill passes in its current form, your tax records will be made available to your state health commissioner and ultimately to the federal commissioner of health? That your bank account could be accessed? Keep the pressure on, this bill must be killed.

In addition we now have another bill in the works that if passed, would give the President the power to shut down the internet. Mind you, only in the case of a security emergency...trouble is the bill is so broad it does not define what constitutes a "security emergency". The President isn't fond of discontent, for him a security emergency could well be citizens exercising their first amendment right to free speech. If this bill passes make no mistake, conservative talk radio will be next on the hit list. The mainstream networks and the press have already been co-opted by the administration. Commercials against "Obamacare" have not been run. Once the internet and talk radio are silenced we will have a state run media. Are you scared yet?

I heard parts of a town hall where Congresswoman Diane Watson was praising Fidel Castro and his health care program. So lets see, all the refugees who for decades have periled themselves to get to our shores to escape a demonic regime have been misguided? Perhaps they should have talked with Ms. Watson first.

And finally good ole Charlie Rangel (D,NY), head of the Ways and Means Committee, has forgotten to declare a couple of million dollars in income. Another congressional tax cheat just doing what tax cheats do. Ah...the dog days of summer.


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