Saturday, November 14, 2009

You thought the O.J. Trial Was a Circus? by Dr.T

So the "Prince of Pennsylvania Avenue" and his band of merry men have decided to hold the 9/11 trial in New York City. Why, it's only fitting that the defendants face their accusers at the place the crime was committed. Yeah, I'm sure that's their ONLY reason. It's amazing and offensive that the people in this adminsitration think we are too stupid to see through their pathetic explanations. The REAL reasons for holding this would-be circus in NYC is to put the Bush administration on trial. And no amount of protestations to the contrary will ever change my mind. These arrogant, power hungry fools are willing to risk national security in order to play to their base. This has to be an all time low for politics as usual. Anyone with a brain knows that Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the rest of his tribe will get the best "read 'em their civil rights" lawyers on the planet. They will use every trick in the book to have vital testimony suppressed and the soapbox for the "brutality of torture" will be the cornerstone of the trial. Arab newspapers will have a field day running headlines out of context and it will stir up our enemies and put our troops in harm's way over there and our own citizens in jeopardy here at home. But not to worry, Eric Holder is sure the terrorists will be convicted. Disgraceful...these cretins are enemy combatants and deserve to be tried by a military tribunal.

Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly are also in agreement with having the trial in NYC. If their decision is based on sentimentality, their reasoning is naive and foolish, my guess is that it is based on something more sinister. Bloomberg is a RINO, the police commissioner is on his figure it out.

In the end the families of the victims will suffer and so will the entire country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dr.T,
Your analysis is dead on the money. These arrogant fools are using these trials to play to their base, a most parlous, perfidous maneuver, and one they will, in the end regret. I only hope the damage they cause will be less serious than I fear, but given their track record, I have little hope there. I like your writings, and can see a true American Patriot behind such musings. Keep up the good fight!

Dale Krause ( the poor bastard that works in Ithaca)

Tue Nov 17, 04:05:00 PM EST  

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