Friday, August 07, 2009

Are the Best of Times Past? by Dr. T

Are the best of times past us, are the good times really over for good? I sure hope not, but these days I'm not very optimistic. Each day I see the fabric of America unravelling. This President who promised to be the great uniter has turned out to be the great divider. His transparency is non-existant and his advisors are running amok. The healthcare debate has brought tensions to an all time high. After realizing that the stimulus has been a bust, that unemployment is close to double digits and that the government is controlling car companies and banks, the citizens are now being told that healthcare reform must be passed through "very quickly". The stimulus bill, a record 827 billion of our taxpayer dollars was passed without being read. The bill is loaded with "payback dollars" to heavy contributors to the ruling party and to special interest lobbyists. Just the kind of Washington politics that Obama claimed he would reform. As it turns out, this administration is the poster child for "Chicago strong arm politics".

The citizens are reading the proposed healthcare bill and they don't like what they see. They are making their voices heard and are being maligned for it. Speaker Pelosi has likened them to Nazis, Harry Reid calls them the "fringe" and others have referred to the protesters as "mobs" sent out by the Republican Party. I've seen footage of heated town hall meetings, and frankly the citizens have every right to be angry. If you poke someone in the eye long enough, they are going to poke you back. Funny, I don't recall these Congressmen and women having a problem when protesters of the Iraq war painted a mustache on pictures of President Bush and proclaimed him a Nazi. Where was the outrage then? Where was the outrage when Cindy Sheehan set up residence across from President Bush's home in Crawford? She was exercising her first amendment right to assemble as I recall...yet these hypocrites have a problem when taxpayers tell them to keep their hands off our healthcare.

Citizens are actually being urged by the White House to inform on fellow citizens who have expressed discontent with Obamacare. What's next, an armband with a number?


Anonymous Jd said...

Here is the link to the proposed legislation by the Pelosi Democrats. It's 1018 pages in length.

Sun Aug 09, 02:29:00 PM EDT  

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