Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back to Campaign Mode by Dr T

Like a reluctant movie critic forced to watch bad cinema, I sat through the President's endless State of the Union speech. He was, as I expected, "back in campaign mode" and perhaps even more so. After all, if you were on a sinking ship, wouldn't you get your "mojo" on and sprint for a life preserver? By all accounts the numbers are way down for this President, his administration and the Congress. They are in disarray and unfortunately for the President, I don't believe that his speech last night did very much to bolster confidence. He did the usual Bush blame game, he did the ususal three card monte with numbers and projections and he played to his leftist base by promising a pull out of troops from Iraq by August. All predictable and all misguided. Notice that he avoided talking about the administration's decision to Mirandize the Christmas Day terrorist and to hold KSM's trial in NYC. The American people are by and large against these decisions because they lower the bar on national security.

With amazing arrogance, the President challenged the Congress to move forward on healthcare, the very bill that strikes fear and discontent with the American people. The very bill that got Scott Brown elected in MA. It is clear that he perceives healthcare reform as HIS crowning achievement and the folks be damned. We'll get it like it or not. His arrogance was again in full view when he chastised the Supreme Court justices for their latest ruling on campaign finance reform. The President clearly has disdain for the separation of powers. He continued to talk about creating jobs while still pushing for cap and trade, another punitive bill which will cost jobs. He paid lip service by claiming to put a freeze on spending, another sham as his so called "freeze" will simply lock in the elevated spending he has already put in place. This "freeze" is equivilant to waddling up to an all you can eat buffet and ordering a diet soda to wash it down. He mentioned utilizing all sources of energy including off shore drilling; I'll believe it when I see it.
So it's business as usual in the President's world and in the real world the people are just hanging on...but...November looms.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great article on the President's speech. Just wish more people had access to the article and Dr.T could get the recognition she deserves!

Fri Jan 29, 07:39:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

Sun Mar 14, 07:16:00 PM EDT  

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